I think this is a good start but I'd like to see an in-depth article about servo setup for 90 degrees, control horn hole configurations, rod length, trimming and getting everything setup appropriately before first flight. Would be helpful for beginner pilots and builders. Log In to reply
I like these short vids. Very instructive. Thanks Chad & David. One thing I would like to write regarding "screw locks" is be carefull if you intend to use thread locker on the screw... thread locker eat the plastic... Small linkage (like the one provided with the Bixler Airframe) will eventually "snap" if thread locker comes in contact with the linkage. Also, is you use zip ties to secure platic clamps...make sure the zip tie will not get loose and obstruct servo movements. I think a better choice by far is silicon tubing or... why not? "heat shrink tube".
A guy who lost a Bixler ignoring these warnings...
thx again Chad & David! Log In to reply
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A guy who lost a Bixler ignoring these warnings...
thx again Chad & David!
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