Carrying a GoPro on a homemade plane: foam+depron

by tecdux | March 17, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

I wanted to carry my GoPro (with housing) in a plane but without expending too much, so I built it by myself, using foam, depron and barbecue sticks.

The fuselage was done with EPS foam 12g/dm3 (isopor P0, comum de papelaria). Wings, ailerons, elevator and rudder with depron 4mm. I used some barbecue sticks to strengthen wings and tail. To assemble everything i used hot glue and packing tape.

Even though it had some crashes during this video, the plane is intact! Nothing happened to it. It's very resistant!

It is not flying very well because the wing angle of attack is 0 and the wing was not attached very well. I've already done these improvements but i still have not done a new flight.

To watch the flight, go to: 2:33

If possible, i'd like some tips on how to improove the performance of this airplane. Larger wing? Shorter chord? 

Motor: D2826-6 2200kv Outrunner Motor
ESC: Hobbyking SS Series 40-50A ESC
Servo: Turnigy TG9e 9g / 1.5kg / 0.10sec Eco Micro Servo
Propeller: APC Style Propeller 6x4R
Battery: Turnigy 3s 2200mah 25C
RX: Turnigy 9x

Wingspan: 1200mm
Lenght: 1000mm
Chord: 250mm
Wing area: 30dm2
Wing weight: 252g
Fuselage thickness: 70mm
Fuselage weight (with motor, ESC, RX and servos): 468g
Battery weight: 200g
GoPro (with housing): 200g
Total weight: 1120g
Wing loading: 37,3g/dm2 (should use a bigger wing to have a slower flight)


TehMaxwell on March 19, 2013

Nice build,

I was wondering where you got the foam for the fuselage and wing from?

Thanks very much,

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tecdux on March 20, 2013
I got it from my local stationery ;)
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cloud9photos on March 19, 2013
Nice build! You are definitely tail heavy that is why you are having the proposing effect. Add more weight up front and it will fly like an entirely different airplane. I know it sounds strange, but some planes really do perform better nose heavy. I prefer to use a turnigy 3s 3000 mah in my easystar, but if I have to use a 2000mah I will either add some lead or stick a small 800mah-1000mah battery in with it just for the weight. I hope this helps
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tecdux on March 20, 2013
Hi cloud, thanks for the advice, i'll try that, my CG is at 40% of the chord
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ronnie.burchfield. on March 19, 2013
it looked to be tail heavy but im no expert my plane was flying like that and i added weight to the nose and now it flies great
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tecdux on March 20, 2013
Hi ronnie, thanks for the tip, i'll try that ;) my CG is at 40% of the wing chord, may be moving it forward would be better
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Carrying a GoPro on a homemade plane: foam+depron