Building a Flair Magnatilla

by Eduardo Fritis | February 25, 2014 | (34) Posted in Projects


The Flair Magnatilla build.

I fell totally in love with the look of this plane and as much as I don’t like to scratch built planes... I had to do it!



I looked and looked for plans and specifications on the Internet for this plane and could not find them. In the UK they sell the kit for it, but I wanted it now, so I scratched my head and came up with a plan to build it based on the technique that “Ultramicrobe” has used before.

History of the plane

It looks to me that The Flair Magnatilla was inspired from the Fokker Eindecker fighter. The Fokker Eindecker fighter was manufactured from a series of German World War I monoplanes single-seated fighter aircraft by Dutch engineer Anthony Fokker. It was developed in April 1915, the first Eindecker ("Monoplane") was the first purpose-built German fighter aircraft and the first aircraft to be fitted with a synchronization gear, enabling the pilot to fire a machine gun through the arc of the propeller without striking the blades. The Eindecker earned the German Air Service degree of air superiority from July 1915 until early 1916. Not many monoplanes flew in those days.

Since my early days I was very attracted to the Bleriot Monoplane. The one the crossed the English channel for the first time. The Flair Magnatilla caught my attention when I watched Mike’s plane flying in a video on YouTube.

I am going to show you how to build it and how it flies in there movies. In the first you will see the steps and instruction to build it, in the second movie you will see the Flair Magnatilla in its maiden flight in high winds 15mph and gusting 26mph. Not the ideal test flight conditions, however she handled the wind phenomenally. On the third video you will see the second day flying with perfect conditions she flew with grace and ease until the elevator servo jammed and the plane went down nose first into the grass. There was no major damage. Pretty good build.

I really like the shape of the wings of this plane, it is quite different and attractive. The color is something else, light blue! With the big Malta Crosses on top on a white background. The location of the wing is also interesting, they called them shoulder wings and the pilot reminds me of an old milkman. The long narrow body, the rudder and the horizontal stabilizer are well put together. Gothic? The design was so intriguing to me that I had to build it.

I had a motor from the Park Zone Stinson kicking around and took the propeller from the Park Zone Albatross since it looks like wood. I couldn’t find the ESC from the Stinson so I am using one from the Radjet. Looking at the Albatross I thought that the motor and propeller should be adequate for this plane.

I am not normally a plane builder in fact I refuse to build planes... until I have to!

I studied on the Flitetest website with the FT Spitfire build video. By the way this building video is awesome if you want to build planes and get the fundamental ideas for building out of Adams foam board. As lazy as I am I didn’t want to build the motor pod to make it swappable. Most likely my friend “Ultramicrobe” will end up doing a better version of mine. “Ultramicrobe” is my inspiration and he is really really good at building and thinking of stuff! Every time I had a challenge I would think “How would he solve this?!”

The Flair Magnatilla is a very simple plane. It has a straight lines square kind of fuselage with square wings and triangular horizontal stabilizer and rudder. The most challenging was the landing gear, not because is difficult but because I didn’t have the proper tools to make it.

Here is a video on how to build it:



Before you start building you might want to consider covering the foam board with Vinyl. 

I didnt know how to do it when I uploaded this post, that's why is coming just now. My friend Terry O'Brien came out with this technique and he agreed to make it avalible to all of you.

Here is a video that shows how to.

Notice that in my instructions I use brown paper and Polycrilic to cover the wings in this model since I didnt know how to make it with Vinyl.  In a post that is pending for approval for the build of the Fokker D.VII I made the wings with this covering and the surface came out to be great, smooth and the paint looks even better.  Have in mind that the strength provided from the brown paper and the Polycrilic is much higher than the wings covered with Vinyl. Another consideration is the weight. I personaly like the planes a bit heavier as they penetrate better in the wind. Brown paper and Polycrilic is heavier than the Vinyl.


Building instructions

Fuselage and tail

Assemble the box like the FT spitfire following the dimensions on the picture.




Make the box for the firewall. This piece is square 7cm by 7 cm.



Cut the plywood for the firewall



And glue it to the front of the plane with contact cement.



Mount the motor with 3 degrees down and 3 degrees to the right. This is important to have a smooth flight. I put a plastic washer behind the motor mount. You can see in the picture below.



Cut out the tail pieces, cutting bevels for the elevator and rudder. Glue a popsicle stick to the top of the elevator to connect both sides of the elevator strongly.



Glue the horizontal stabilizer to the fuselage, making sure it is square.



Glue the vertical stabilizer



And tape the rudder to it.



Elevator and rudder servos are installed anywhere in the fuselage.



Put a square piece of 7cm by 7cm in the middle of the fuselage for strength. Make a hole to get the servo leads into the fuselage.





The cowling is made from a bottle of multi vitamins from Costco. Make the hole and cuts with a dremill.



To determine the length of the cowling present the motor on the fusselage and cut the bottle accordingly.



Glue a piece of Popsicle stick on both sides at the end of the cowling to fasten with 4 small wood screws.







Here are the plans for you to upload in your Sketchup


Main Wing

The wing is similar to build like that of the FT Spitfire.



Make the spars and cut out the two main wing pieces. Bevel the leading edge, and bend the airfoil as normal



The wing will be assembled and bent at the same time, in three steps. Test bend the wing around this spar to make sure everything fits, that you get a nice airfoilmaking sure that the trailing edge is at the same level as the bottom of the wing. The top is large enough to allow the wing to bend fully. This is a lot of folding, so make sure you check it carefully and know what you are doing before putting the glue on it. Now hot glue the aileron servos at the end of the spar. Once you are happy with the fit, glue the leading edge and the remaining surfaces of the spar, and quickly bend the whole wing into place around the spar. Hold it in place securely for a while until the glue sets, making sure the spar emerges from the wing at the correct position in the airfoil. Once this is set, glue the entire trailing edge, and hold it until set.



Repeat all this with the other wing. When complete, trim the parts of the spar that are extending from the wing and test fit the joiner-spar. Trim the wings at the joint if they don’t join up fairly cleanly it’s OK. Make a small hole in the bottom of the wings, pull the servo leads out of the hole and tape them out of the way, then glue both wings with generous hot glue. Using a business card take the excess of glue before it gets hard.




Fit everything together for testing and hot glue the wing to the fuselage.



Ultramicrobe likes to glue skewers into the airfoil bends if you want extra strength, I didn’t. instead I used packing paper with Polycrilic transparent paint for resistance. Apply Polycrilic on both sides of the paper.




Give two generous coats of Polycrilic to the whole plane.




Landing gear

Bend 2 pieces of 3/32” piano wire, and sit them on top of the popsicle platform that is glued to the bottom of the fuselage.



Then fit the scale sized Dubro 3” wheels.



I used a cotton rope with epoxy to attach both wires together by the wheel. I learned that this joint can be made by using copper wire and soldering it. It was rather late for me... next time!



Cut pieces of plywood to reinforce the landing gear meet with the foam and using 3/32” sap straps fasten the wires to the fuselage. I put extra popsicle on the front landing gear, see picture below.



Paint the color of your choice, print the Malta Crosses from Google images and glue them on top.






I am amazed how well this plane flies. On Maiden, with strong winds the plane just flew happy! I believe this plane is meant to be flying! Naturally and with grace. No bad tendencies at all. I have not flown this plane lots, but so far, very nice. Aerobatic capable I did some rolls until it crashed due to a servo malfunction. The plane withstood the crash no problems. Just broke my pride! Minor adjustments to the cowling and the landing gear, new servo and voila, ready to fly again. This plane has already caught many eyes. It’s a very unique plane that you don’t see in kits that often.

How it flies



Second flight and crash!



What else can I say about it...? I love it! She is just beautiful.

The power set I used is as follows:

  • 960 kV motor from the ParkZone Stinson.
  • 2200mAh 3S
  • 25amp ESC
  • 10 X 9 from the ParkZone Albatross because of it looks.
  • The battery hatch is also from my old Stinson
  • CG right on the wing spar.
  • As for the pilot, I found it kicking around. I don’t know where it came from but is perfect for the plane.


If I could build and fly this plane without plans... and you have read this post to this point I’m sure you will do a betterjob than me.


I included pictures of the plans below each category, They have better resolution.

Plans for the wing note that the wing plans are more accurate than the picture measurements.

Plans for the body

Plans for the tail section

I also have included nice pictures with measurements. Pick up brown packing paper and draw the straight lines and cut.





Have fun building this plane and send me pictures of your build. Should you have any questions, just let me know at

Thanks for reading and happy building and flying the Flair Magnatilla.


Freaky_1 on February 28, 2014
Very nice!
I think you've given me the very plane I'm looking to build next.

Btw... it looked awesome and flew awesome on the first flight. Can't do better than that.


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Eduardo Fritis on February 28, 2014
Hi Frank,

I am glad that you like it! Should you need any assistance with the build please let me know. and of course I would like to see the finished plane!

All the best,

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Freaky_1 on March 9, 2014
About to start this build. Hope you don't mind my importing your plans into sketchup and converting measure and possibly scale. I'm thinking 2 birds, 1 as your original and 1quite a bit larger for some gentle larger scale field flying. I think your design will lend itself nicely.

Have a great one and thanks again for sharing.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 9, 2014
That's awesome Frank! You gave me a great idea, I will upload the Scketshup files in the post. I'm new to Scketchup and didn't know how to change the scale. You have noticed that measurements are in meters and they should be centimeters but I didn't know how to work it out. I just put a note there to watch for that. I'm very excited that you are making one. Please keep me posted. You might find ways to improve the plane. How big you want to build the bigger version? I flew it on Friday and tested more of the envelope of the plane and it's great, tight turns, rolls, loops, inverted flying... She does it all! I found yesterday a 5 mm foam board, much stronger than the 4 mm I used for the plane, I'm thinking in a bigger one with this new foam. Feel free to email me directly at
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Freaky_1 on March 9, 2014
I've actually changed my mind a bit. I'm planning 3 now. One as your original, one with a 60 inch wing span (152.4 cm) to play around with before going for 72 to 84 inch span (182.88cm to 213.36cm). That's the idea at this moment, but that's 6 feet or 7 feet and for all I know, I may go ahead and match the telemaster's 8 feet span when I get there. I'm wanting to stretch Adams Rediboard out and see what I can do. May well end up having to fiberglass it, but again, won't know till I get there :)

Thanks again,
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Eduardo Fritis on March 9, 2014
Hi Frank, Terry has introduced me to shelf stripable vinyl that's used for covering. $ 1.0 at the Dollar Store. With this you cover the wing and it gives tensile strength to the board. The surface becomes paintable without priming. Much more strong! For a big wing you just use a thicker foam board. Terry uses 5 mm or 3/16" that is much much stronger than the 4 mm one that I use.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 9, 2014
Sketchup plans are on the post!
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Freaky_1 on March 9, 2014
Awesome my friend!
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#3 on February 28, 2014
very nice plane thankyou for all the trouble and time you must have spent makeing the drawings and the photos with the measurment tags i have printed them all and will be added to my list of must build i love building out of foam is that a scale colour or just what you like would it ever had been painted camo for dog fighting
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Eduardo Fritis on February 28, 2014
Thank you Av8tor for commenting! This is my first post in Flitetest. I really enjoyed doing the plans and such a post. About the color is just one that I saw in YouTube and I thought is was very cool how it looked. It would look very cool camo. I am planning to build 4 more for the guys at the Park to have WWI combats!
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kpd on February 28, 2014
Great plane! It has a great scale appearance and I like how you gave a background of the plane. For someone who says they prefer not to built a plane it came out fantastic!
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Eduardo Fritis on February 28, 2014
Many thanks kpd, I really like this plane, the looks are great!
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Yogenh on February 28, 2014
I love it and you did a great job on it I am going to have to make one too
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Eduardo Fritis on March 1, 2014
Thank you Yogenh for commenting, it's such a cool looking and easy plane to build and the best is that it flies great! Send me pictures of your plane!
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Yogenh on April 12, 2014
It may be some time be for I can do it but I really do like it a lot. Looks like one that would be good for some one to start with too.
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Eduardo Fritis on April 12, 2014
Hi Yogehn, It is a good one to start with since it has only straight lines and becomes easy to build. It flies really good and I know of two others that have build them. I got the bug of building after I thought I would never build planes. After the Flair Magnatilla I build a Morane Saulnier N and now I just finished building a Fokker D.VII. The Building of the Morane Saulnier N is pending approval in Flitetest and I am planning in doing the Maiden flight for the Fokker tomorrow.
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Yogenh on April 12, 2014
Would love to see the Fokker D VII. You going to put plans on for them?

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Eduardo Fritis on April 15, 2014
Yes, everything is already posted and waiting for Flitetest approval.
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Cortes Gary on March 1, 2014
Great job, Eduardo. I like your use of "cotton rope" and epoxy!
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Eduardo Fritis on March 1, 2014
Thanks Gary, I didn't know how to put the wires together... Patrick told me after to use copper wire and solder them, next time!
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petedotnl on March 1, 2014
thank you Eduardo for the plans and the inspiration. Amazing plane!!

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Eduardo Fritis on March 1, 2014
Wow Pete, you make me very happy! Thank you, thank you!
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mikedeluca on March 1, 2014
Very nice job and excellent article, video and pictures! Thank you
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Eduardo Fritis on March 2, 2014
Thank you Mike, I am very happy that you like it!
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808aerosquadron on March 1, 2014
Well done. She looks great in the air.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 2, 2014
Thanks 808, it really looks great even when is the same color as the sky!
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Gozzie on March 3, 2014
I would imagine that we will see some more really nice future builds soon. You did a spectacular job on this one. Thank you for sharing.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 3, 2014
Thank you Gozzie, I am planning in building the Morane Saulnier N. Check it in Google! Another monoplane from the WWI, in fact was the first one to have synchronization, they called it "Bullet" . One of them fell in German territory and the Germans copied the technology and armed their Fokkers with machine guns. The body is round, so I'm thinking in using paper mache for the body!
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Yogenh on April 12, 2014
I think that would be a good plane to do. Can't wait to see it. Good luck
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Eduardo Fritis on April 12, 2014
It is pending approval from Flitetest now. It should be up and running soon. You can watch the videos in YouTube if you look for it you can see a couple of videos of the plane flying as well as the building video.
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Willsonman on March 3, 2014
Looks like a winner! We need more scratch builders in this hobby! As a tip... Consider mixing in some opposite rudder with your ailerons. You are getting just a touch of adverse yaw when rolling and it will help make your roll transitions cleaner for an easier flying plane. So right aileron mix in a little left rudder and visa versa. I do this with my WWI era planes. Makes them much less of a handful in panicky situations.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 3, 2014
Thank you for the tip! I have not flown the plane lots but next time I will try your suggestion. My next project is the Morane Saulnier N. What do you think about that plane?
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Willsonman on March 4, 2014
Could be fun. I have a soft spot for parasol planes so the L would be a better subject for me. You could make it quite large too with its simple construction.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 4, 2014
The L is kind of tricky with the wing up above, my skills at building are not there just yet! May be next time. I have the body and the wing for the N already done, the fuselage I am going to use paper mache for the cover. Bigger I would like but transportation is another challenge unless the wings come off. Any thoughts?
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Skinlabfpv on March 4, 2014
Great project, great work Ed very original and creative. Cant wait to see the next plane!
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Eduardo Fritis on March 4, 2014
Thank you Paul! The Morane Saulnier N is on the works!
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WhiskeyJack on March 6, 2014
Hi Eduardo,
Great design! I note that you fly at Trafalgar Park; that wouldn't be in Hazel's neck of the wood's would it? If it is, I would love to come down some day and visit.
I really like what you did. I have no skills with "Sketch Up", so somebody that can put his idea's on paper, cut, fold and glue is amazing! Great job, WJ.

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Eduardo Fritis on March 7, 2014
Hi WJ, thank you for commenting. We fly at Trafalgar Park in Vancouver, BC. Canada. Where is that you are? Thank you for your kind comments and I had to learn fast the Google Sketch up because I wanted the plane badly... you know how it goes!
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WhiskeyJack on March 7, 2014
Oh dear, here I thought you were an hours drive away but your on the other side of the country! I"m in southern Ontario and we are still snowbound. I guess I should have noticed that there was no snow in your video, lucky guy. Keep the video's coming, love to see Canadian content on this site as well as that from other parts of the world. Thanks again, WJ.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 7, 2014
Hi WJ, I was excited that you might be from around here, but Hazel's... It's not close by! At least we tried!! Lol.
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Ron B on March 7, 2014
Nice job
For a non builder you did a great job
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Eduardo Fritis on March 7, 2014
Many thanks Ron. It has encouraged me to go for the next one. I am building a Morane Saulnier N. It will be soon up!
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WhiskeyJack on March 7, 2014
Hi Eduardo,
I downloaded the drawings and there might be a problem with dimensions. Could you please check? WJ.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 7, 2014
Do you refer to the units? The dimensions are in centimeters.
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ReformedControlLiner on March 7, 2014
Nice work Eduardo - love the planes that you and Patrick do!!
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Eduardo Fritis on March 7, 2014
Thanks you! They are really nice looking and they fly well too!
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WhiskeyJack on March 8, 2014
Hi Eduardo,
The units on the plans are shown as, for example, the width of the horizontal stab as "34.079m"; the notch in the elevator "3.000m". So I am thinking that the width of the stab is 340mm (34cm) and the notch 30mm (3cm). Sorry for being such a pain but I want to sure before I start cutting foam. WJ.
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Eduardo Fritis on March 8, 2014
Yes, you are right. All measurements are meant to be in cm. I am new to schetchup and I still haven't figured out how to change the scales.34,079 m is 34.079 cm. Just replace the m for cm. Otherwise you would have a huge plane! Lol. I will try to find out how to change scales in the next post.
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PTB313 on April 19, 2014
Darn, halfway through a Spitfire and I find your plane! I will pick up the $tree board this week and make it next. Thank you Eduardo. You created a great design and post.

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Eduardo Fritis on April 21, 2014
Hi PTB, sorry for the delay in replying to you. I am very happy you liked the Flair Magnatilla. It is indeed a beautiful plane and very different from most planes, in my opinion. It flies great. And I like the colors. I have seen a couple others build from this post one beige and the other one red. I still think that for this plane the light blue is awesome. I have a post pending for approval for a Fokker D.VII where I have included a video on how to cover the foam board with vinyl. As I am typing you make me think that it would be great to add it to this post as well and you don't have to wait for the other post to come up to see how to make smooth wings and fuselage paintable. If you check this post shortly it will have the video in it. Please feel free to ask me any questions and I promise that I will be timely next time. Apologies for that!
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sailorJohn on April 27, 2014
See sailorjohn sept 2013 for vinyl coverings

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Eduardo Fritis on April 27, 2014
I believe that I saw your post, awesome!
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Canair on September 20, 2014
Eduardo - what a build. Absolutely wonderful. I have a love of WW1 aircraft, and I have added both this and the Fokker to my build list. I was also very pleased to see that you are also from Vancouver (I'm North Vancouver) - so please be warned, I might be bugging you for build tips.

In the mean time, I was looking for the vinyl that you are putting on your foamboard. I checked the dollar tree but couldn't find it. I found some at Staples but it's much smaller than the one you guys found. If you could point me in the right direction, that would be great.

Cheers, Chris.
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Eduardo Fritis on September 21, 2014
Hi Chris, thank you for your comments. I'm very happy that you are from Vancouver. Do you fly in the North Vancouver club? There is a guy by the name of Terry that flies there often and he is an excellent builder. In fact the Vynil covering comes from him. Anyways, call me at 604-315-1675 or email me at
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Building a Flair Magnatilla