Black Snapper - flying steadycam (NazaV2, AlexMos)

by RCSchim | October 20, 2013 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

This was just an evening testflight session (wanted to see how long the setup flies with its 6600mah 4cell batteries). I came to nearly 15mins and got stunningly nice shots against the setting sun. But at least 50% of the applause here should go to Kevin McLeod for this nice tune! Sounds like a movie score!


zev on October 21, 2013
ha, at first I misread it and was thinking "why should kevin get so much apple sauce?".

amazing video.

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flyingAce on October 22, 2013
Awesome!. You are slowing FPS from 60 to 30 FPS, and stabilizing, correct?
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RCSchim on October 23, 2013
Yes and no. I usually film in 60fps because it's less vibration affected and has potential to slow down to 50% speed and still be smooth.
Here I had 60fps and 48fps footage (flew in two different modes).
So I slowed down the 48fps by 62,5% and got smooth and slower 30fps.
The 60fps material is reduced to 30fps (every second frame is left out).
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1morehobby on October 20, 2013
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Black Snapper - flying steadycam (NazaV2, AlexMos)