Being an RC Noob
Being an RC noob
What should i buy for a 1st plane ? How do i fly? these are common question asked by beginers .and without an awnser they will not be able to level up in the hobby. this may seem low but the planes that look good are not a beginer plane but really would you have a plane that looks awesome that you cant fly or would you have a plane that looks like a toy that you could rock? so in this article ill guide you through the path of rc flight.
first i would get a 3 channel (rudder elevator throttle) plane,. chanles are the fetures of the plane less channles less confusing .so my recomendation would be the hobbyzone duet this plane is a very relaxing plane to fly .look if you follow these steps youll be the best pilot that you could possibly be. now after you've mastered the duet or any 3ch tranier you bought its time to move on to a 4ch plane(throttle rudder ailerons elevator) the t 28 (umx) is a great 2nd plane. this plane will take some getting used to cause you cant pin the rudder an hope that it turns buy itself you need to add some aileron input to stay in the turn . now that youve finished the intro 4ch flying and your possibilitys are endless so ive done enough talking go start this amazing hobby theres so much to do. i hope i inspiered you to go to your hobby shop and pick up the plane for you so thats all for this one thank you for reading this beginer article and i hope i inspired you .
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