AutoPilot Follow Me!

by MyGeekShow | April 12, 2014 | (7) Posted in Projects

Hello FliteTest!

ArduPlane, APM2.6 and Mission Planner come together to make an awesome feature called "Follow Me" where the ground station sends the airplane it's GPS location and the airplane will go to that location, even follow it as it moves!

I tested it today and it performed perfectly. This will be a valuable feature during the USA trip where I'll be able to use it if we have to suddenly change course or request the airplane return to us quickly.


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USA Trip Details:


Hasersys on April 13, 2014
Sweet thanks, You have also given me some ideas. My truck which already has been used for many projects is not only huge, there is also no dash board. The space in it is massive, Ram1500 that seats 6. It is also choppable, so drilling an sealing some holes in the roof is no problem, and I have a massive 700watt converter mounted with plugs on the inside fire wall.. Where the dash used to be. Also I have Subscribed. I am thinking along the lines of antenna tracking, and diversity. I have also had the APM in my wishlist on hobbyking for far to long. Not sure if I can swing it since I have so many projects already. This summer looks like a busy one.
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MyGeekShow on April 14, 2014
Sounds AWESOME. You'll have to keep us updated on what you put together.
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trigger on April 14, 2014
Your 52km cross-country video, and now this one, made me want to build an autonomous APM-based flying wing SO BAD...

Keep up the great work !
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MyGeekShow on April 14, 2014
Thanks trigger! Fun stuff! It is a bit expensive, but as you'll see in Wednesday's episode, the APM TOTALLY saved the 140B today. Worth every penny.
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Hasersys on April 12, 2014
Can you make, or direct me to a build video for this setup? Is it the Telemetry that is giving the APM the information from the ground stations gps? I am planning on turning my extra vehicle into a big portable ground station. Think this is an awesome setup.
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MyGeekShow on April 12, 2014
I've got something from a few months ago, and not too much has changed since. Check it out:

Feel free to reach out with additional questions, and I'll answers as needed.

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TehMaxwell on April 12, 2014
That is awesome! I imagine that would be great for filming race's, as you could attach it to one of the cars to follow. Lots of potential!
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MyGeekShow on April 12, 2014
Yes! That would be very interesting! Now I just need to find a closed circuit to test it! : )
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AutoPilot Follow Me!