To the FliteTest Community:
With the school year coming to a close, it is a new MESArcFF tradition to hand the product reviews down to the 7th grade class to practice on in preparation for next year. Jack, Jake, Chris, and Zach tackled the little heli, as advertised it performed great, allowing the team to fly it with ease and have a lot of fun flying around the testing lab. Below is the specs on the Heli:
Altitude Assist Technology (AAT)
We understand how frustrating it is for new pilots to be excited about flying, then struggle with first flights. Flying can be a little intimidating at first.
Our Altitude Assist Technology (AAT) makes it easy for first time fliers to master 4 channel control, and gives low-time and experienced pilots added confidence to fly in smaller indoor spaces where height is limited. It's all accomplished with state-of-the-art ultrasonic sensors that help the pilot avoid floors and ceilings.

- Auto Take Off
- Hover Hold
- Auto Land

Advanced AAT manages the throttle for first-time pilots so that they can focus on learning how to use the other 3 channels without having to worry about running into the ceiling or crash landing.
In Mode 2, AAT allows throttle control making it easier to fly freely around the room. The sensors continue to detect the ceiling to avoid over-accelerating the throttle which typically leads to a crash and broken parts to replace.

- Ceiling Avoidance
- Dynamic Throttle Limiting
Allows you to fly without the assistance of AAT's on-board ultrasound sensors.

Once your flying skills have progressed to where you're successfully flying in Mode 2, you're ready to move on to Mode 3 where you can fly without the assistance of AAT!
- Length: 9.6 in (245mm)
- Height: 6.3 in (160mm)
- Main Rotor Diameter: 10.5 in (265mm)
- Weight with Battery: 4.8 oz. (135g)
- Main Motor: N40 (2 installed)
- Battery: 700mAh 1S 3.7V LiPo (included)
- Charger: 1S 3.7V LiPo AC (included)
- Transmitter: 4-channel 2.4GHz (included)
- On-Board Electronics: 4-in-1 receiver/2 ESCs/mixer/gyro, 2 servos, Altitude Assist Technology module and sensors (installed)
Chris takes the Exera in Advanced mode through the obstacles.
Compared to the Evolve, a lot smaller and it feels safer to handle and to let younger inexperienced pilots take it for a spin.
The review team talks about the product, they did a great job!
RATING 4 out of 5 STARS
Overall it was an awesome heli, in fact the best one at this size that we have reviewed, here is some of our pros and cons on the aircraft;
-Great scale loo and paint scheme.
-No construction necessary, it was out of the box ready and prebinded to the transmitter.
-No additional equipment needed, everything we needed came with the product.
-Strong construction, took some heavy beatings and held together nicely.
-Great size for flying indoors and around the house.
-ANYBODY can fly this, very easy and SAFE to use and learn on.
-The biggest issue was the working in of the motors, that SHOULD NOT be necessary when you spend over a 100 dollars for an rc Heli. This is the only reason why we voted a 4 out of 5 stars on the product.
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