This is the Ardu-panel designed to switch between all the Flight Modes your ArduPilot has to offer. It is a DIY product, making it accessible everywhere if you have got some time on your hand.
It will cost you about 25 dollars all parts included, and requires very low knowledge to build because of the videos explaining everything for you.
It will work with any rc transmitter which has a knob. or potentiometer as they are correctly called.
Now, how do you build it and where do you put it?
We will start by getting all of the components and pieces for the build, starting of with a parts list. Half the parts can be bought from your local hobbyshop, the other half from an electronics store, just google it and you should be able to find a suplier.
1 sheet of 3 mm thick balsa wood
1 sheet of 2 mm thick ply wood
Electroniks store
5x 1 Kilo ohm resistors
4x micro rocker switches
1 normal on/of switch
Soldering iron
CA glue
Exacto knife
After getting all of the parts, you need to cut out all of the wooden parts. The buildplan is right below here, or you can download it as a PDF and print it out real size here Build plan
And here is the build video, it is one hour long and explains everything in detail
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