With so much talk about Google's Project Wing and Amazon's Prime Air we thought we'd put together a delivery system of our own and deliver Josh some gum!
But instead of just delivering the much needed gum to Josh, we wanted to add more challenge into it.
So we decided to fly The Kraken and deliver an Electrohub that delivers a QAV250 Lumenier, that delivers an Proto X that will deliver the gum!
Josh will be flying The Kraken and with the help of Nick Fredrick, Peter, Alex.
We have an FT Electrohub that will be dropping a QAV250 Lumenier, that will be dropping the Proto X.
The QAV 250 Lumenier is setup with SpiroNET Omni - 5.8GHz CP Antenna but will be flown line of site.
The QAV 250 Lumenier in the above photo is setup with Lumenier 5x3 Carbon Fiber Props.
Attached to the front of the QAV 250 is a servo-controlled release bar holding down a Proto X.
After a few failed attempts, we made some adjustments and gave it one last try.
And we finally got our "Amazon Prime Air" Kraken into the air!
Pete launched the Electrohub off of the Kraken and sets up to release the Lumenier.
And the Proto X is released from the foam board launchpad attached to the Lumenier.
The Proto X is carrying the precious gum!
We'd like to thank Nick Fredrick for stopping out and helping out with this delivery challenge and for helping us with our Kraken graphics. You can check out Nick's online graphic shop here: www.nachoscheese.net
We'd like to also thank Harrys.com for sponsoring this episode. Harry's offers great shaving experience for a fraction of the price of other razors. And Harrys.com has also set up a promo code to give Flite Test viewers a $5 discount off your first order.
Go to Harrys.com and use promo code: FLITETEST and receive your $5 discount off your first order!
Join in on the discussion of this challenge in the FORUMS!
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I love the creativity.
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I was really impressed with Pete's skills in this challenge. He bailed out at the last minute twice on the videos, and saved the three quads from assured destruction, and enabled the Kraken to survive and make another attempt.
Great Job, though I don't think Amazon or Google will be coming to you guys for guidance on how to make it work for them.
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Maybe you could make this your next challenge? Re-create the Mars Curiosity Rover landing (using a multi-rotor vs. rockets, of course). Perhaps initially dropped from a balloon? Extra points for the rover driving away after touchdown. Autonomous control is optional... (Maybe you could get NASA to sponsor the episode?)
As an alternate challenge, use as many aircraft with different flying modes (fixed wing, rotor, glider, parachute, etc.) as possible on a single "mission."
Keep up the good work!
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Having assisted my Father in building a Rutan Vari-eze when i was younger. Thanks for the great videos and keep up the great work.
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Keep up the fun...
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How about delivering a basketball to a hoop, then recovering the ball, unaided by human hands, then taking another shot.
Could make it a competitive event, see who could get the most baskets in 5 minutes.
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Just a little short. we want moree!!
Thanks for coming back!
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What is the weird looking plane beheind Alex????
Want to see it, plans???
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