Alternative Landing Gear Fastening

by hotwax | April 24, 2016 | (13) Posted in Tips

From Rubber Band to Zip Tie

 I used the rubber band method for fastening the landing gear allot, but in some cases I wished it would be more rigid, especially in crosswind landings. So I developed the following easy method:

 The example is my FB Terry, resembling the 3 channel antique made by Graupner. Material is as usual Piano wire and Barbeque skewers.



The Barbeque skewers are cut flush with the sidewalls and glued in.



A little bit of tape will make the bottom of the fuselage sturdy.



Now comes the trick. Cut slits for the Zip ties and push through and around the Barbeque skewers. I start with the one at the back and then do the two at the frontend. Cut away the surplus parts.



Inside you can put some hot glue on the fasteners to further spread the load. In this case I zipped from the outside of the fuselage, because it is very narrow.



You can do it from the inside for an even better looking result. Here seen at the FB Frechdax.



Good to go!



leogcam on April 25, 2016
That is a really clever and good idea
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JasonEricAnderson on April 26, 2016
So much slicker than having to cut a wooden plate and mount it. Since I just broke the gear on my plane this past weekend I'm using this to attach the replacement. Thanks.
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Bellows on April 24, 2016
Excellent idea. I like it
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westbows on April 25, 2016
Nice! very good idea. I will definitely use it.
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Traveler67 on April 27, 2016
Excellent idea! I'm definitely going to start using this method.
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Heavy313 on April 29, 2016
What gauge Piano wire is typically used for this? How much does that plane weigh?
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hotwax on April 29, 2016
I use 2.5 - 3 mm piano wire. The weight is 700gr to 1000gr.
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Miracle Air on April 26, 2016
This is great! You could use it on anything! Fantastic post!
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Goose on April 28, 2016
How has it held up over time?? Where is the first place to give in a crash?
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hotwax on April 29, 2016
I never crash
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blackkrystal73 on April 24, 2016
nice... good idea.
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Full Flaps on April 25, 2016
Love your efficient, minimalist approach. Haven't seen anything else as easy or sturdy. Thanks for the tip.
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Spacemonkeykj on April 29, 2016
What a great idea! This will definitely be my go-to technique for mounting landing gear.
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zukiguy on April 28, 2016
I've bought probably thousands of zipties in my life.. I could just find three I could have some decent landing gear! lol
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SnapPunchRobert on May 9, 2016
Excellent post. I like how it zip ties. Maybe some velcro to make it removable if I zip tied it to a cut out piece of foam so I can use it on more than one plane.
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Alternative Landing Gear Fastening