What's happen when you lose an esc on a quadcopter

by TechCris | June 7, 2012 | (8) Posted in Tips

Hello everyone, i'm Christian and with this little video i just want to show the importance of a good esc for your multirotor copter.

Before this video i tested a little bit too much the 4 esc of my quad using a 4s ( esc works on 4s but they are not as good as HK said ) to see if something changes to try increase the fly time ( actually i'm running on 4-5 minutes with 2200 mAh ) but with the big weight of the gopro and the fpv equipment nothing changed.

(In this fly i used 3s)

So when you are chosing your esc, always take them a little bit bigger then what you need and also read all comments ;).


Aikon1977 on June 11, 2012
...but with even 3 esc/motor the quad came down in a acceptable way and your FPV was still working. Try to imagine what happens if you loose the esc or even worse a servo on a heli ;-)

My tricopter looked a bit the same as your quad after loosing an esc but I had no damages.
Cheers, Gregor
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TechCris on June 11, 2012
That's true but i was on a big tree that make the landing "safe", fpv system was working becouse the quad was at 3m over the ground and cloverleaf antenna are amazing :).
Anyway last summer i lost a maxi swift with 2 hd cams and everything to do FPV because i gone too low and far so i lost video signal and control from the radio ... it took me 4 hours and one day to found it ( i was running where i though it landed ,with the reciver , and luckily i got something, the osd data, so i knew that it was at 1400 m from the field but it was night so i went back the next day, and i found it in a football field cut in half and both cameras lost the video, one throw away the memory and the other one stopped recording at half fly ... ) i was really scared about where it landed but luckily it didn't hurt or destroy anything :)
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House Of Noob on June 7, 2012
I've heard/read recommendations that the your ESC should be 15% over the maximum motor draw expected.
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TechCris on June 8, 2012
Yes it can be a good start but i did it, i take a 25A esc on a calulate current of 10A... but the real current is 4-6A for engine and esc looks like at maximun limit ... that's hap to me because i read just some comments on HK site if i read more i could see that they weren't good esc :)
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UndCon on June 13, 2012
I had a few occasions when I crashed due to motor loss. Faulty bullet connectors are the blame - I solder every motor since that.
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TechCris on June 13, 2012
Yes they are a problem too, but solder them will give you a little problem if you want to try something with your configuration, soldering is a good idea when you are sure of your esc-motor-propeller chose.
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What's happen when you lose an esc on a quadcopter