Two scratch built KFm-4 wings

by FPVTrond | January 24, 2013 | (7) Posted in Just Fun

This is one of the first flights after I totally smashed my FPV49v3 in a tree: 

There is nothing gorilla glue and tape cant fix :D

The other wing in this video is flown by Svefro. 

There is nothing like an afternoon with some FPV flying :)

PS: I put the plans in the youtube description just in case anyone want to build a wing like this. 

And hopefully I will get the time to make a proper build video.



Russ40 on January 29, 2013
Great flying. Looks like alot of fun. Could you post a couple of pics of your plane setup. I have been wanting to do a wing for fpv and yours flies very nice.
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flynron1964 on January 28, 2013
Nice Flying.
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House Of Noob on January 25, 2013
Gutsy flying there!

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elemental on January 25, 2013
Great stuff! It seems super smooth
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FPVTrond on January 26, 2013
Thanks :)
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Two scratch built KFm-4 wings