The Y6 Debacle

by stonekap | May 11, 2012 | (15) Posted in Just Fun

Debacle - A sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.

That's the best way to summarize this failed attempt at a Flite Test episode. If you've been watching the show on a regular basis, you know that David Windestal is the crazy Swede that lives in my basement. He's very smart and likes to have fun with multirotors, planes, and pretty much anything R/C related.

David built a Y-6 multicopter last summer and he was trying to think of an interesting way to show it off. So he says "Hey Chad" (in a high pitched Swedish accent) "let's lift the biggest, heaviest plane you have with the Y-6 then we can release it and have Bixler fly it safely to the ground." Without hesitation I said yes!

Next thing I know, we're in the middle of the field and we're loosing daylight. Josh Scott and Josh Bixler both knew this was a bad idea. I started to realize how bad of an idea it was when the strong prop-wash was hitting me in the face. But I was committed to quality entertainment and I wasn't going to let down our audience and crew! Or maybe I just needed to be "committed"... hmm. Either way David and I kept going despite the warnings from the Josh's.

After shooting this episode, we knew it wasn't going to make to our normal release. But, I couldn't resist putting it together and sharing it with you guys. Please learn from our mistakes and don't try stupid stuff like this.

- Chad Kapper -


planenuts on May 11, 2012
VERY DANGEROUS i know i took a great lump of skin out of my finger and have the scars to prove it . i treat my quad with respect now
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SkySlayer on May 12, 2012
Ya we don't own our RC stuff they own us.
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Jake Wells on May 12, 2012
Well said jd7792. With the acceptation of PPE. Friends don't let friends wear PPE. And to Coh998, I personally would like to have the autograph of the first guy to lose a finger to a multi, that is if he or she could sign an autograph after such an "awesome" accident. Maybe you'd just get an X from them, but that would still be cool.
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Jake Wells on May 11, 2012
I want the pic of David and Chad for my desktop. Epic, awesome, and a whole bunch of other words than mean cool.
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jdgomezb on May 14, 2012
Hey Chad, wtf were you thinking man? You could have lost an ear, an eye, half of your scalp and one hand.

David you are completely crazy dude, how could you get Chad you help you doing such thing.

Hey Josh I bet hobbyking will not only not pay that episode, but will sue you by mentioning them sponsoring that crazy idea.

Bixler was really concerned about Chad holding the hexa like that. Brother you are a Pro, I could see your face and read your mind saying "This is not going to be good".

Guys I love your show, but please, I just crap my pants watching you do that. I'm sure there are better ways to spend your budget on.

Big hug, I'm happy everyone is ok.
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stonekap on May 15, 2012
Thanks for your concern :)
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coh998 on May 11, 2012
I'd say your lifting bridle needs a single point of contact with the copter. If all those leads attach to the copter, then you'll get oscillations as each bridle lead assumes varying amounts of load as it shifts coming off the ground. Only one lead should attach to the copter, at the center, and the other end of that lead should terminate on a metal ring. Then run a lead attached to each wingtip on the P-47 through the ring. Knot the line onto the ring (clove hitch) at the CG across the wingspan. Do the same with another lead fastened at nose and tail. This 4-point bridal should be a far more stable rig, where the load is free to shift without grossly altering the copter CG.
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HigherFlyer420 on May 11, 2012
I just got finished reading thread on a forum about this guy needing 14 stiches in his hand from a quad coper accident, that spawned a whole slough of other, horrible, radical, and grotesque injuries sustained from quads.
Watching this made me VERY nervous for you all. I love you guys like brothers even though we've never met, id be crushed if any of you cats got hurt. However i WOULD like to see david stick around. <3 I LOVE that guy!
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jd7792 on May 12, 2012
Without so called "MAD SCIENTISTS" we would still be throwing planes off hills with no more than a rubber band and the winds around us. You would have been singing a differant tune if it had worked. Good on you for having a go! Having said that, may be a helmet and protective glasses would be a good idea???
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gibsonsnet on May 21, 2012
That picture is classic
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rcflyer729 on May 1, 2014
I see what u were saying in the podcast haha
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danield on September 2, 2014
It's good to have fun, but you guys need a safety engineer as part of your teem.
Also, we did lifts like that in Vietnam, but single lift point, or cg will go crazy.
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The Y6 Debacle