The MESA rcFoam Fighters

by MESA RC | June 4, 2012 | (15) Posted in Projects

To the Flitetest Community;

We are proud to announce that we have joined the Flitetest community!  These guys as well as all of you have been an on going inspiration to our RC after school club.  Below is a little info about our team, please read, check us out, and support the MESA rcFoam Fighters group. 

Colorado MESA is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Our Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program is designed to encourage students to prepare themselves for a college education and to major in mathematics, engineering or science.

The MESA program is a premier educational resource and experiential program, serving students in grades P-12.  MESA's mission is to increase the numbers of students who graduate from high school fully prepared for post secondary education in engineering, mathematics, science, computer science, business, and other math- and science-based fields. MESA programs provide the educational resources and experiences students need to be successful in these pursuits. To accomplish its goals, trained MESA advisors, usually math and science teachers, implement MESA after-school programs in their schools. Here at Erwin Middle School in Colorado, we have transformed our club to the MESA rcFoam Fighters, primarily sponsored by rcFoam Fighters,

We are unique in that we apply STEM based skills through the use of Remote Control Aircraft, we are the only MESA program in the state that has this type of approach. Students will learn and study the physics of flight such as hydrofoils, aerodynamics, center of gravity, drag, lift, and thrust.  Students mathematical skills will be applied by use of measurement as well as science skills through the use of RC electronics.  The students create new aircraft design concepts, test different platforms for FPV flight, and explore different creative builds with RC technology.

Below is what we have accomplished, and we will articles out on some of these as well.  If there is any you would like to see posted please respond.

MESA Design Concepts:

MT-1 Dark Knight!mt-1-dark-knight 

MT-2 Red Dawn!mt-2-red-dawn


MF- SAAB!mf-saab



The MESA rcFF Team has just finished their second season on YouTube and will start back up again in September.  In the meantime please visit our website for more MESA info and upcoming projects.

YouTube Channel:


Jake Marshall

MESArcFF Team Advisor


ratty97 on June 12, 2012
I would just like to say that what you are doing is awesome! You are educating teenagers in physics in the most practical way possible. You are also keeping this hobby alive with more young people coming through and learning the way of RC. I am only a teenager myself and I fly a 30cc gas edge 540 and katana. I have only been in the hobby for 1.5 years, but the plane that got me into RC was the dynam hawksky.
Awesome job!!
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MESA RC on June 12, 2012
Hey thanks for the kind words, yes we do are best. In fact we have done so well that they are introducing what we do as a class within the school day in addition to our after school program. That is crazy, an RC subject that kids can sign up for in school! We are moving forward, and it is because of comments like this that motivate us to keep going. Best regards Mr. Marshall.
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Jamescip on November 7, 2012
I sure hope you expand to schools in Massachusetts! I have been into RC Helis for 10 months now and I am already doing tic-tocs, half piroflips, and low inverted hovers and I am addicted to this hobby. My friend got me into scratch building RC foamies and we already designed our first plane by ourselves. An RC club after school would be awesome, as I always look forward to flying and I am always working to improve my piloting skills. I hope for you, other kids like me, and I that you guys soon expand all over the country and get a bunch of kids interested in math and engineering and also the great hobby of RC!
A 12 year old from Duxbury MA, James Cipolletti
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colorex on June 4, 2012
Thanks for sharing all those plans!
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MESA RC on June 4, 2012
Thanks for the support!
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Nitro Nico on November 5, 2012
Hi guys, I am entrested in setting up a club like that for my school, I have exeprience in the hobby and everything but, I dont know how to make a club even what to say or if any one will join :(
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rcpilot39 on March 29, 2013
We had a club in central PA in our local middle school. You guys helped me and my teachers start one. Now that im in high school i wish to start another one.
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The MESA rcFoam Fighters