Several months ago i had crashed and destroyed my bixler (excelent plane BTW ) and I just started to wonder what could i do with the wings and tail, so i thought "why not a tow glider? " i had watched the Flite Test episode of FPV Tow Glider and i wanted to do something like that so i started building and this is what i came up with
it is a 4 channel airplane (Aileron, Rudder, Elevator and release) it needs 5 servos, ihave turnigy´9e all arround
this is the inside view of the cockpit including battery ,reciever and releasing system
as you can see the battery is held on with some velcro
i have a 4 channel reciever bcause bigger RX wouldnt fit into the canopy so here is a diagram of how i solved it
For the release sistem i have a servo, a zip tie, a straw and some wire
you have to insert the fishing rod with a loop on its end through the straw, insert it into the wire and then move the wire so it locks in place whith the zip tie
to release it you just have to punch the throttle
i hope you liked it and look foward for the test flight!!
click here for the pictures on the forum
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Are your links holding bro?
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