Sacramento veterans BBQ (FPV style)

by squishy | November 12, 2012 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

On 11/11/2012 we got together for a BBQ and swap meet, it was tons of fun. We had a full contact combat session, many FPV pilots and birds of all shapes and sizes. I shot some video from my FPV quadcopter.


JoeTapia on November 20, 2012
this looks like a lot of fun. i live in sacramento as well, and was wondering where this was held, and if there are any others. Because id very much like to come to one. any information would be much appreciated!
-Joe Tapia
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squishy on November 20, 2012
Everything you need to know is on it's a forum for local fliers.
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JoeTapia on November 20, 2012
great! thanks so much!
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Benn Gunn on November 14, 2012
you guys know how to live ... great footage
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Sacramento veterans BBQ (FPV style)