RC aerial photography: Waikato river, New Zealand

by flyingkiwi1000 | November 24, 2012 | (4) Posted in Just Fun

RC aerial photography: Waikato river, New Zealand

This is just a short video of my RC flying around the Waikato river in New Zealand with a key chain camera.


kiwideno on November 30, 2012
bummer no vid
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flyingkiwi1000 on November 29, 2012
Hey it's still with the bixler, the quad has not arrived yet and the stabilization board has been put onto the back burner while I get my FPV system sorted out.
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liveyourdreamsRC on November 25, 2012
Is this with a plane or your new quad? Do you have your stabilization system yet??
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flyingkiwi1000 on December 3, 2012
Sorry the video is coming...
I was just having problems with my youtube account
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RC aerial photography: Waikato river, New Zealand