Quick and Dirty DIY Servo Y-connector

by PyroMan | July 26, 2012 | (7) Posted in Tips

I have been building an RC plane recently and when I went to hook up the ailerons I realized I didn’t have Y-connector to plug the servos into one channel. It was too late in the day to go to a hobby shop and I didn’t want to wait, so I made my own.

After rummaging through my RC junk box, I found a destroyed HXT900 servo. What’s good about HXT900′s is that they come with really long servo leads. I decided to use this very long lead to make my Y-Connector. After cutting the lead off of the servo I cut the lead into three equal sections. Now a Y-connector needs one female plug and two male plugs on it and since we already have the female end from the servo we will start to work on the male plugs. For the male plugs I took some straight male header pins and cut two pieces that have three pins in it. I then stripped the ends of one of my pieces of servo lead and soldered on the male header. I then repeated this for the other male header. Oh, and I used heatshrink wherever applicable.

Next I stripped the ends of the leads that had male header on it and soldered the two male header leads to each other. I was careful to solder yellow to yellow, red to red, and brown to brown. Again, I applied heatshrink anywhere I could. At this point I stripped the end of the lead that had the female servo plug on it and soldered it to the male harness. This is kinda tricky to explain so be sure to look at the pictures. Once again, I soldered yellow to yellow, red to red, and brown to brown. After putting heatshrink on almost everything, this Y-connector was completed. I tested it out and it works just fine. So next time you're in a pinch and need a Y-connector quick, you can make one of these DIY Y-connectors out of a busted up servo!

To see more projects, tips, and ideas, check out my blog! www.backroomworkdesk.com


hans on July 29, 2012
You have destroyed HXT900 servo's. How did you manage that? :D
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PyroMan on July 29, 2012
Haha. I don't remember the exact crash, but I do remember the plastic actually came apart and the motor ripped from one of the wires. So I just saved the electronics board, motor, and the gears. Must've been a pretty bad crash, I just honestly don't remember how it happened. I have yet to destroy another HXT900. lol
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Quick and Dirty DIY Servo Y-connector