Ninja Quick Combat Tip- Motor Mount

by jetpackninja | April 25, 2012 | (12) Posted in Tips

All of my combat planes use a steel motor mount.

Steel is great for combat because even after the worst crash, if it gets bent, it can easily be bent back into shape and can often be re-bent many times if needed.

The stainless steel ones that I use are supplied with the kits, but if you are doing a scratch build or you have a plane with a plastic or wooden mount try this trick out. Go to your local Home Depot and look in the fence section for an "A21" L bracket. it comes with two holes in it that line up with the FC2812 motor, the Turnigy 3530 motor and most likely many others that are popular for combat use. It's galvanized instead of stainless but it costs less than a buck. Try it, you're gonna like it.

A21 L bracket on the left - Stainless steel mount (from a Crashtesthobby kit) on the right.


Happy stack of combat planes :)

Now go out and hit something.



earthsciteach on April 26, 2012
Great tip! Thanks, Ninja. I like the "less than a buck part."
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jetpackninja on April 27, 2012
You are a man after my own heart!
Less than buck = GOOD!
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jetpackninja on April 27, 2012
You are a man after my own heart!
Less than buck = GOOD!
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Josh Bixler on April 27, 2012
That is brilliant! I'm going to swap some busted motor mounts on some wings now. Mainly my maxi swift. You can twike thrust angle too!

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jetpackninja on May 6, 2012
Yup fix those wings and then road trip it out here.
We will do our best to help you break them all up again :)
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RCDZK2011 on May 9, 2012
Great stuff man!! I use the same brackets for the same reasons!!
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Ninja Quick Combat Tip- Motor Mount