New edit of the Turnigy Short Course Truck

by dhdsracer | July 23, 2012 | (10) Posted in Just Fun

I know it's FlightTest but this little thing can fly under the right circumstances too! Enjoy!


chrisan on July 23, 2012
Very nice video!

Those 1/10 SCs are really big fun! (unfortunately eating a lot of spare parts when operated appropriately ;-) )
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XFlyer on July 24, 2012
great filming, racing and best of all the music!!
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rcflyerguy on July 24, 2012
I've actually been thinking of getting something like this for FPV
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dhdsracer on July 25, 2012
Well do I have a video for you!
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bmsweb on July 25, 2012
That's a cool video! Now how about long range FPV with the car ;)
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dhdsracer on July 25, 2012
I'm thinking about running the truck down the beach at the water line as far as i can go. Should be cool with the waves breaking so close. What do you think?
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bmsweb on July 25, 2012
Man that would be a blast! My son wants to set up our antennas on top of the house and have the video feed coming directly into the Theatre room while driving around our Suburb. I'd be interested to see just how much range you get on the ground.
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TheKingOfTown on July 23, 2012

I like to take a truck with me to the park when I go flying. Anything with a motor lol
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dhdsracer on July 23, 2012
All aspects of RC are great. All it takes is the open mind to try and appreciate.
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New edit of the Turnigy Short Course Truck