My very first build ever...

by Rubnorris | September 2, 2012 | (7) Posted in Projects

Well, here is my 1st step into the hobby. I had a Air Hoggs rc plane then a Vapor from parkzone and then micro cub. Flew the heck out of them. Fell in love with the UMX Beast (still have and fly it) Been hooked ever since!




jd7792 on September 3, 2012
I watched your videos of the flights of the both this scratchbuilt plane and the commercial F4 Phanton. To be honest it looked and sounded like the scratchbuilt was struggling to match the power???
I don't know that I'll be paying $30 to find the answers on your DVD's that you have for sale!
I think the aileron could have been a little longer and a little further out on the wing? I would think they would be working hard as they are. But besides that congrats on building the plane. Good Luck!
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Rubnorris on September 3, 2012
what video with the commercial F4 Phanton? I didn't do that and I dont think im selling DVD's.

But this plane had cg problem and surface area problems that I needed to address.
Thanks for watching it =)
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squishy on September 17, 2012
I remember that airplane, a classic, lol.
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Rubnorris on September 19, 2012
And my it rest in peaces... lol
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My very first build ever...