Hot Tip

by casehatter | December 4, 2012 | (14) Posted in Tips

A Hot Tip For A Sticky Situation


FarmStormer on December 6, 2012
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Zatoichi on December 5, 2012
Sweet!Nice tip.
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casehatter on December 5, 2012
Hope it helps
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NewFlyGuy on December 9, 2012
Good idea, Here's another one. Save those trays that TV dinners and the like come in. I use one for my heat gun, its made to take the heat. Also they are good to put small parts in while working on a project so you don't loose things
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casehatter on December 9, 2012
sounds good to me I'll check it out Thanks
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TheChaz on January 30, 2013
This is an awesome idea.. Nice work.
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Hot Tip