HZ Champ final lesson part4

by RC Air Training Command | October 21, 2012 | (6) Posted in Tips

We wrap flight lesson 1 with the Champ. You've earned your wings! In this lesson we go over stalls, forced landings and recoveries from nasty situations. Lesson 2 will be with the UM Trojan from Parkzone. We think it's a good choice for a first 4 channel plane. The skills in these lessons can be applied to any aircraft you may have. We know the Champ doesn't require all of this attention to fly well, but your 2nd and 3rd plane probably will. Stick with it, practice the lessons and get familiar with them. These skills can serve you well in the future. We appreciate your feedback and as always please rate and subscribe. Thanks


casehatter on October 29, 2012
( My Statement to New Pilots) It's great to have help learning, we all I said, WE ALL had to learn and some were faster than others and some quit before they learned but trust me after lots of practice it's second nature and it's fun but remember even the Pro's crash planes so don't be hard on yourself. RC Flying has come a long way and has got a lot cheaper than when I first started. So have fun be safe and don't do stupid stuff to black mark the sport.
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RC Air Training Command on October 29, 2012
CH, thanks for the comment. So true. The hobby has come along way, and yes even the veteran flyers smash em' up from time to time.
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Cortes Gary on January 3, 2013
Great articles and videos! Now, where do/when will we see the UM Trojan series?
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Cdr Crash on October 22, 2012
I MUST have one of those for my son!

Nice Video and thanks for the information. I will be looking for the other videos you have up on this.
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RC Air Training Command on October 22, 2012
Guru, really appreciate your comment! Yeah stay tuned and subscribe here and on our youtube channel RC Air Training Command. There are other beginner friendly planes out there but we really like this one. Plus once your son learns how to fly it then he can teach someone else.
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HZ Champ final lesson part4