BusyBee Extras - Dick Kline Interview!!!

by InComing RC | August 26, 2012 | (12) Posted in Just Fun

I know these videos are long, but they are great to play in the background while you solder on battery connectors and build you airplanes. 

FPVTrond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d5QCwWgnAg&feature=plcp


Bixler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAkEJSrRzIs&list=FLxKRcoyr3kxtzTO7AylbYJw&index=38&feature=plpp_video

20 Foot KFm3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P243ct308a0


Hasersys on August 26, 2012
Was very enjoyable! Thanks for theis!
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InComing RC on August 26, 2012
It was enjoyable for me to, Im glad you liked it!
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HoriAkuma on September 12, 2012
Incredibly fascinating! Thanks for sharing!
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Doublebuck on September 20, 2012
I am really excited about your video. What a wonderful and helpful background story about the KF airfoil story! Thank you for your research into the KF for those of us who are interested in KF R/C airfoils and specifically R/C wings. When you speak to Mr. Klein again I hope you will tell him thank you for all he has done as well.

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bmsweb on August 26, 2012
Well done! That was very interesting
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InComing RC on August 26, 2012
Thank you!
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BusyBee Extras - Dick Kline Interview!!!