Bixler 2: Awesome flight footage with flaps

by dhdsracer | August 15, 2012 | (13) Posted in Just Fun

I have been flying the b2 for a day now and love it. I have the full review coming out with in a day so stay tuned for that.


Nonamerc on August 16, 2012
Nice catch!
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motoringmaniac on August 17, 2012
great review, my B2 is in the mail really looking forward to it
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PunkStar Studios on August 15, 2012
I hated the Bixler 1... so I'm looking forward to seeing your full review.

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Nonamerc on August 16, 2012
Why do you hate the bixler 1? I have the bixler one and its just fine!
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gmyers2112 on April 9, 2013
video is of a far off white dot moving around. I'm sure you could see it better in person, but we're seeing it from your video which is not tracking or zoomed in or on-board. The review has value, but the video... not so much.
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Bixler 2: Awesome flight footage with flaps