Auto-Leveling Flight Test on a Plane - KK2.0 OpenAero2

by mmerry2 | October 15, 2012 | (13) Posted in Reviews

In my last article I explained how to add inexpensive auto-leveling and stabilization to your plane.  In this follow-up article, I strap the GoPro camera to my Bixler plane and we do a flight review of the product used, a HobbyKing KK2.0 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board.  The free OpenAero2 firmware makes this board, which traditionally works with multi-copters, work on an RC plane.  Normally, these boards cost over $100, but this board is currently around $30 and has several other uses.

Video Outline:

Intro:  0:00
Flight 1:

  • -Stability OFF & Auto-Level OFF:  1:03
  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level OFF:  2:59
  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level ON:  4:29

Flight 2:

  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level ON:  7:36

Flight 3:

  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level ON:  12:25
  • -Stability OFF & Auto-Level ON:  13:47
  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level ON:  14:49

Flight 4: 

  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level OFF:  15:43
  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level ON:  16:17

Flight 5:  

  • -Stability OFF & Auto-Level OFF:  16:29
  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level ON:  16:45
  • -Stability OFF & Auto-Level OFF:  17:18
  • -Stability ON & Auto-Level ON:  17:52

 Final Thoughts:  19:35

This review was done in high winds.  I hope to show another review in less wind to show the contrast.

Please comment and let me know what else you would like to see done with this board.



[broken image - invalid source]


Benn Gunn on October 16, 2012
Another great review .... look forward to the next one
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Aditya Gupta on December 16, 2012
well my openaero doesnt work at all it stalls my plane everytime i switch it on
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chipgt on October 16, 2012

Considering the amount of wind you were fighting, this system looks good for FPV. It really did help stabilize the A/C. I agree the GPS will help, and would like to see that. I do not recommend auto lvl on takeoff. Mainly due to the fact takeoffs can be very squirrely at times and auto anything can't correct faster than a pilot. Great review though, very informative.
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lefty on February 28, 2015
what P and I settings are you using for stabilization mode? and what acc p amount are you using for autolevel servo movement?
thank you for all the good work
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Auto-Leveling Flight Test on a Plane - KK2.0 OpenA...