Arduino on the KK2

by rchacker | December 27, 2012 | (11) Posted in Projects

This is one for all those budding programmers out there. Arduino is the super simple way for beginners to start programming micro-controllers. Marc has hacked the Arduino IDE so it works with the KK2. 

Full instructions for the hack are here, don't worry its easy.

Have fun.


Ottomite on December 29, 2012
Time to make my own segway with the KK :D
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rchacker on December 29, 2012
Good idea. I wonder how many engineers smashed their face making those.
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Ottomite on December 29, 2012
When I but my self balanceing skateboard I know I nearly did. :D

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ox141jf on December 27, 2012
what would you do this for?
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
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ox141jf on December 27, 2012
i am serious, what is the advantage, can you add modules to the board now?
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rchacker on December 27, 2012
You could add just about anything you want. Serial, I2C and SPI interfaces are also available.

You could even add a football to it and use it for training purposes. See how hard you are kicking or at the right angle sort of thing.

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Arduino on the KK2