A quick guide to clean builds

by TeamEZephyr | October 28, 2012 | (6) Posted in Tips

This is just a quick guide to make your builds as clean as possible.


clean your workspace before even thinking of building. if you build in a messy environment your plane will be full of little dents, scratches and other unwanted damage and such. For me this is the MOST important thing

make sure you have everything already layed out so you have an overview of what all the parts are and what or where they're going to be.

have the RIGHT tools for the job. You almost always need a knife so make sure that you have a sharp knife to begin with. Also if you need pliers it's important to have the right pair, If you want to grab a cable and you only have flat pliers that isn't going to work you need to have needle-nose pliers for that. So that's what I think is the second most important thing.

Fourth and last,
make sure that you build things the right way! Don't go ahead and just start building make a plan and read the manual if there is one. Because the manual is important with lots of tips and information about the correct order of putting it together.

We hope this helps you to make your builds as clean as possible and have the most beautiful creations you always dreamt about.


Young pilots, lots of experience!


Calebtriplet3 on November 1, 2012
I definitly agree with the first guide mentioned. Great tips!
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A quick guide to clean builds