9XR Firmware Update Process

by bmsweb | January 27, 2013 | (0) Posted in Tips

This video will run you through the process of updating the firmware of your 9xr Radio including uploading your Model Data etc. I've also included part of a previous video that will run you though the tricky process of install the AVR Programmer Drivers

This is the Programmer to purchase since it comes with both 10pin and 6pin connectors

I got mine from ebay only because I was in a hurry to do the firmware update on my 9x, however it came with a 10pin connector only. I ended up having to make an adaptor to make it work with the 9XR Radio.

In any case I hope this is of help!!


Cyberdactyl on January 28, 2013
Nice tutorial. How do you like the 9x? I watched RCModelReviews and Bruce was, well. . . less than thrilled. But he can be a grumpy old guy at times.
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