3D Printed Quad MF-Diablo

by MESA RC | February 7, 2014 | (25) Posted in Projects


To the FliteTest Community:

With the snow pounding the Front Range region, we have been couped up in the classroom creating some pretty cool stuff.  This past week we have ventured into creating a 3D printed quadcopter, the next phase of our Multirotor Creative Grant project.  We have found that working with the 3D printed material is the best solution when creating an awesome looking, structurally sound, multirotor platform.  Being able to have the design saved when in need of a reprint due to a crash is priceless, especially with a group still learning the works of a multorotor.  Below are important links that allowed us to create the MF-Diablo.  Hopefully in the near future, we will have these files available for those individuals that have access to a 3D printer.

The software we used to create all the parts is FREE and can be downloaded at the following link:


Here are the drawings worked out on 123D Design for the MF-Diablo.

The first section of the design was creating the cover seen here,

After the cover it was time to create a top and bottom plate to construct the chasis to house the arms.  Seen here...

Now we had to select arms prior to this design in order to make sure our measurement for fitting was just right. We used an arm that was designed by Gyrobot, see link for files: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:160607/#files

After we created the 3D drawings we exported them to an .STL file, once this process was done we were then able to open this file in a program called Makerware, see link below for download.


Once the parts were printed, we had the kids put the quad together, and everything matched up perfectly.

These pictures already show the gimbal mounted, below we referenced Team SSG username Crezzee for the design and construction of the onboard servo equipped gimbal. This pic here is gimbal mount...

The below picture is the gimbal top plate.

After printed and constructed together they look like this..

Here is the link to Crezzee's creation: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1793759

After we created the quad it was time to get the firmware we needed in order to use the gimbal.  We download all the necessary firmware software needed in order to flash the kk2 board.  We used the following firmware that was already in the KK2 Mulitocopter Flashtool library.  To download the tool: http://lazyzero.de/en/modellbau/kkmulticopterflashtool . As you scroll throw the library, choose the rc911 version for gimbal settings, here is some info on the firmware: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2094442

Once your board is flashed, here are the settings we used....

PI Editor:


  • P gain 60
  • P limt 20
  • I gain 30
  • I limit 10


  • P gain 60
  • P limt 20
  • I gain 30
  • I limt 10


  • P gain 50
  • P limt 20
  • I gain 30
  • I limt 30


Mixer Editor:

Channel 1:CW

  • Aileron -70
  • Elevator 70
  • Rudder 100

Channel 2:CCW

  • Aileron 70
  • Elevator 70
  • Rudder -100

Channel 3: CCW

  • Aileron -70
  • Elevator -70
  • Rudder -100

Channel 4: CW

  • Aileron 70
  • Elevator -70
  • Rudder 100

Once we placed all the necessary data into our KK2 board it was time to go test it out.

We love to bring back MESArcFF Alumni, season 1 Danny Liebert came to check out the quad to make sure we were on the right track.


Thanks for all the support FliteTest Community!

Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/MESArcFF 


kpd on February 7, 2014
This is amazing I wish my high school had a program like this! Great work keep it up!
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MESA RC on February 8, 2014
Ask around, maybe a teacher has this hidden hobby a secret. I would be willing to help out.

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pcandtech on February 7, 2014
Nice , ive beeing thinking about this for a while know since I dont have a 3d printer
how much time does it take to primt the arms and center piece , aprox? Thanks
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MESA RC on February 7, 2014
You know I cannot remember off the top of my head because the kids printed it, I think I remember 4 hours and 30 minutes. Kind of depends on the resolution you decide to use, we use Standard res. If you really want me too, I can check Monday on the Makerware software. Out of the office now!

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balbusky21 on February 8, 2014
That is awesome when do you plan on uploading the cad files
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MESA RC on February 9, 2014
Hopefully here in a week or so, we will announce on our Facebook page. So check either like and follow us or check back to our page in a week.

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FLYitRC on February 8, 2014
What 3D Printer did you guys buy for your program? I Love your videos guys, I look forward to them as much as I do the Flitetest ones!
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MESA RC on February 8, 2014
Wow that is a compliment, thanks! We bought a Makerbot Replicator x2. If you go to their website you will find it. Thanks again for the comment.
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travdudemt on February 14, 2014
great video, i have watched a few of your vids and love all of them. This is a great program you're doing with the students, I wish i would have had a teacher like you when i was in school. I am now awaiting parts to build my first quadcopter thanks to you and your students for the inspiration.
I look forward to more of your videos

Keep up the good work boys!

Cheers, Travis
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hbelanger on April 30, 2014
I've got to say that every time I visit your site you and the kids keep making my jaw drop it is
amazing what you are accomplishing and I applaud all of you...!

I've been contemplating get/building a 3D printer but now I'm convinced I have to have one,
what I'm wondering is what size of a printer do I need can you help me a bit with that ????
what are the dimensions of those parts ?
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oklok on August 17, 2014
This is by far the coolest project I have seen with 3D printer. And the quad mofo is flying damn good also, what material did you use to print this mofo?

www.3dfilamenta.com; Affordable filaments for you!
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MESA RC on August 17, 2014
The material used was PLA my friend.

Thanks for the post,
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dmaria9 on September 19, 2014
Really an amazing accomplishment! These kids are super talented. Have the cad files been made available?

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MESA RC on September 20, 2014
We have always had the plans available, they are in the formats of the software used.

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Vashdansky on February 2, 2015
Do you have the STL's available for download? for the mods you made?"
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MESA RC on February 2, 2015

There ya go!
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jcsingle21 on December 14, 2015
The website to download doesn't work anymore, can you provide a new one?
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3D Printed Quad MF-Diablo