151 Oh Canada and the end of FT Afterhours

by FliteTest | March 19, 2017 | (0) Posted in Podcasts

Special guest Brendan Schulman, Vice President of Policy and Legal Affairs at DJI joins the crew and fills us in on the new implemented rules and regulations for Canada. make sure to listen in later to find out what the Afterhours crew have up there sleeve for the future. Thanks for listening and all the support. Special thanks to Chad Kapper and the whole Flitetest crew for giving us the opportunity. This would not have been possible without them. Heres to the future and lots more bench flying.

.direct download link

Check out Brendan Schulman @dronelaws     facebook

NODE for drone enthusiasts

more info for NODE

info on the new Canada rules and regulations

Corvo micro wing

Karma drone flys through window

Circular runways?

Durafly ME163 KOMET


our buddy Russell and his almost lost homebuilt quad



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Alex's Instagram: @zvada 
Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey

FTAfterhours Social Media:

FTAfterhours Twitter: twitter.com/ftafterhours

FTAfterhours Instagram: @ftafterhours
FTAfterhours YouTube: @ftafterhours
André’s Twitter: twitter.com/andrerousseau
André’s Instagram: @andregt6
André’s YouTube: @andrerousseau


Surrogatemarker on March 21, 2017
Great that you had Brendan from DJI on the podcast as very few know how much he does behind the scenes for both hobbiests and commercial drone operators. He directly
Influences government policy and prefessionally challenges it when it's unreasonable.. he is a true unsung hero in the hobby and in the industry.
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TurboNinjaStix on March 26, 2017
At first I was like,"What?! End of After Hours? Say it ain't so!" I've been a listener from the beginning, and actually became a member of AirBears and friends with Scotty Z because of your podcasts, so I feel like I know you guys, even though we've never met. I even bought a Phantom 3 Pro after hearing you talk it up and last year I got my part 107 certificate. Anyway, I'm glad you're only "moving" and not quitting. I liked the the crash story. My first build was an FT Batbone tricopter with a Naze32 back when they were first introduced so I can relate. I only just recently crashed it, breaking a boom arm, but I think it may have had a bad solder joint. It's still sitting on my desk waiting for a re-vamp. I'm looking at getting an Inspire next because my Phantom has been nothing but perfect. Keep up the good stuff, fellas, we're listening! ( Jason Austin in Newport, MN)
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drbohlen on March 22, 2017
I feel Andre and Russell's pain with those home built AP quads. Last year I really wanted a 500 size AP quad, but I didn't want a closed source DJI that tells you where you can and can't fly (even though I don't fly in no fly zones) Also I hate how the Phantom series get props in the shot for just about any forward flight, and I can't afford an Inspire. Anyway, so I bought everything, frame, motors, esc, pixhawk, gimbal, batteries 7 inch fpv monitor ect, and put it all together. It went together fairly smooth, but took way longer than I thought it would. I finally got it flying and it flys pretty good, position hold works good, not as good as the P4 but keeps it in a couple feet diameter even in strong winds. The issue I have is that even though it flys decent, the setup is just a pain. I have to have it connected to a computer or phone for the mission planner app to work, and then I have to have a fpv screen to view the feed from the camera. And I cant use goggles or I won't be able to look at the mission planner app. So I have to somehow hold a fpv screen, (I ended up mounting that to my transmitter) and then a tablet or phone to run mission planner, as well as my taranis to actually fly it. I haven't found an open source system to overlay mission planner and the fpv feed. It is super finicky, one time I flew it and couldn't get it to arm for the life of me, gave up and the next week took it out and it worked fine. And then the issue I have is just trying to get long flights, I have spent a bunch of money on batteries just trying to find the best combination to get longer flight times. I can barely get over 10 minutes, when picking out the motors, I tried to pick the best motors for the quad but I think they are not efficient enough and I don't want to spend more money on motors. In the middle of this build the mavic got announced, and then I started realizing how much I had spent on this quad that doesn't even work half as good as the mavic and I've basically given up on it. I could have bought a mavic easily for the money I put into this, and the mavic takes better pictures. I am using a gopro, and you can't even change the settings of the camera, or have hd downlink. If I bought the connex for ap drones, that alone would cost more than the mavic. And my gimbal, even though I thought it was a good one, has issues keeping the horizon level and needs a bunch of tuning, plus the gopro has that wide angle lens that needs to be corrected in post... So basically I can't recommend enough, NOT trying to do a DIY quad, at least until open source gets to the point of DJI. I guess the only benefit of building your own is if you are going huge, to hold a DSLR and have a zoom lens and everything...and at that point, its going to cost so much, just buy the inspire because they have zoom lens and you can control every part of the camera from the controller..
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CrashAndBash on March 20, 2017
The End?? Devastated....

I actually prefer the afterhours podcast to the main one. In the main one everyone sounds like they have to do it. But in this one it sounds like you do it for fun.

Searched on RC Afterhours - webpage and my podcast app and found nothing. Can you let us know when you are up and running?

Thanks for all your past podcasts. I greatly enjoyed them. Good Luck.

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drbohlen on March 22, 2017
They aren't really ending them.. Just getting rid of the FT part of the name, and having the liberty to talk about and do anything they want without being under FT. They were basically doing that anyway with Chris's in house studio now.
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FliteTest on March 21, 2017
Hey man, there is nothing up yet for RC Afterhours except social media..we are working on everything else as we speak and should be ready to go in a couple weeks for our regular scheduled podcast ..hope this helps and Thanks for being a loyal listener-Chris
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Wim on March 29, 2017
The End?? This is horrible

In the beginning the main podcasts were more fun and better. After a while though the fun in the main started getting less en the afterhours got better and better. I listen to afterhours like every day rerunning old ones. Can't do without them anymore.

In the last FT afterhours was said just look for the new one. RC afterhours should be very easy to find. BUT in the podcast app or on a search on internet there is no RC afterhours. Even here on the FT site nothing new is found!!!???

Don't leave us forever plz.
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FliteTest on April 6, 2017
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151 Oh Canada and the end of FT Afterhours