Join Chris,Mike and Andre as they ring up the Swede David Windestal after his worldly travels. First they they get his take on the Flitefest experience,then he shares his experiences of being in the deep dark confines of Chernobyl. You don't want to miss this one. Thanks for listening. Special thanks to the Ukrainian Association Of Drone racing for the pics.
Vine: @FliteTest
FliteTest Instagram: @flitetest
Josh's Instagram: @flitetestjb
Alex's Instagram: @zvada
Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey
FTAfterhours Social Media:
FTAfterhours Twitter:
FTAfterhours Instagram: @ftafterhours
FTAfterhours YouTube: @ftafterhours
André’s Twitter:
André’s Instagram: @andregt6
André’s YouTube: @andrerousseau
There's also a very interesting site from a woman who rides her motorcycle through that area and takes pictures. The Site also has some very interesting background-Informations, but layout is a bit old-fashioned.
So If you're interested in Chernobyl you might want to check it out:
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Steele's Vids
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From imdb:
In an unnamed country at an unspecified time, there is a fiercely protected post-apocalyptic wasteland known as The Zone. An illegal guide (Aleksandr Kajdanovsky), whose mutant child suggests unspeakable horrors within The Zone, leads a writer (Anatoliy Solonitsyn) and a scientist (Nikolay Grinko) i… More
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[Aircraft nerdines:] There was actually a second An-225 air frame started in the early '90s, but was abandoned partway through. The plane's wiki article says that it was completed to 60-70% in the early '00, and is now being funded by the Chinese Antonov importer to construct more by 2019 (doesn't specify weather the partial air frame is part of these plans) [/aircraft nerdiness]
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