120 Radioactive Flying - The Chernobyl Experience

by FliteTest | August 8, 2016 | (5) Posted in Podcasts

Join Chris,Mike and Andre as they ring up the Swede David Windestal after his worldly travels. First they they get his take on the Flitefest experience,then he shares his experiences of being in the deep dark confines of Chernobyl. You don't want to miss this one. Thanks for listening. Special thanks to the Ukrainian Association Of Drone racing for the pics.

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mad_milchmann on August 22, 2016
Awesome Podcast! Really enjoyed the stories from Chernobyl. always thrilling to hear what's going on there. Some of my oldest memories are linked to the accident (I was 4 back then, and here in southern Germany we were relatively slightly affected). Maybe because of that I'm very interested in Chernobyl and how it changes over the years.
There's also a very interesting site from a woman who rides her motorcycle through that area and takes pictures. The Site also has some very interesting background-Informations, but layout is a bit old-fashioned.
So If you're interested in Chernobyl you might want to check it out:

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The Dodger on August 16, 2016
Where are the videos posted that he is referring to? I would love to see those!
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Missionboots on August 17, 2016
I have yet to see the quad retrieval videos but Steele Davis has some on his channel and the Rotor Riot channel I'm sure Kevin and Chad etc will have some up soon enough.

Steele's Vids
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mitchr on August 9, 2016
I was listening dave's story on ftpodcast and as the story developed i started to have images in my mind ... So i freaked out but then i realised ... The images were from an old movie called Stalker in translation is Tour guide... It was a famous russian movie by Andrej Tarkovsky. Very famous during the communism years...

From imdb:

In an unnamed country at an unspecified time, there is a fiercely protected post-apocalyptic wasteland known as The Zone. An illegal guide (Aleksandr Kajdanovsky), whose mutant child suggests unspeakable horrors within The Zone, leads a writer (Anatoliy Solonitsyn) and a scientist (Nikolay Grinko) i… More

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Missionboots on August 15, 2016
Awesome podcast guys, really good to hear Chernobyl is recovering after the 86 disaster, I remember it well and often wonder how dangerous it currently is. Pant gremlins 2 - David Windestal 0 ;)
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Ehyland on August 17, 2016
Thanks guys for sharing. I really enjoyed the stories. Keep up the great work.
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Jake3dpilot on August 9, 2016
Looks like fun
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Anon Pilot on August 14, 2016
For me, I used to really like David but there was nothing interesting about flying here. Loads of social stuff about an event that I didn't attend and a place that I don't want to go to. Do you guys even realise how far off your game you are ???? Currently, I am unable to recommend FT in ANY form to younger pilots because the current content is so poor. PLEASE RECOVER.
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Missionboots on August 15, 2016
Anon that's your opinion and you are welcome to it.. I actually really enjoyed this cast and I’m sure others did too. If you didn’t like the ep turn it off that’s your choice and you are welcome to it. Don’t dictate to others what they should enjoy and why, It really annoys me when people complain about free content and I’m sure the guys would hate to think they wasted 2.5 hours of their own time just because you didn’t like something, it's just plain rude.
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2SticksButter on September 6, 2016
Great podcast! Those were some really interesting stories from David, and nice background for the Rotor Riot episodes. I'm got a little behind on the podcast over the summer, but that means I have a lot to listen to on my way to classes :)

[Aircraft nerdines:] There was actually a second An-225 air frame started in the early '90s, but was abandoned partway through. The plane's wiki article says that it was completed to 60-70% in the early '00, and is now being funded by the Chinese Antonov importer to construct more by 2019 (doesn't specify weather the partial air frame is part of these plans) [/aircraft nerdiness]
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120 Radioactive Flying - The Chernobyl Experience