10 frustrating months of experimentation

by ben-ya-min | October 23, 2012 | (14) Posted in Just Fun

I have messing around with multirotors for 10 months now and im finally starting to get somewhere with it all. This is a short montage i threw together for 2 reasons. Then first being i wanted to make a video showing what i have achieved so far and the second being i have new editing software and needed to learn how to use it.

It has taken 10 months, 8 different multi rotors and many hours of designing, building, testing and modifying to get to where i am today with a half decent, fully homemade Quadcopter.

Sit back and enjoy a very small portion of the video i have gathered so far off my current quadcopter.

Filmed with my GoPro's


Benn Gunn on October 24, 2012
great quality editing .... great footage, nice flying
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iLoveRC on October 23, 2012
very nice flying as well as editing!
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rslegge on October 23, 2012
I second LanMark, looks like a good video topic, but the posted one seems only to be an intro.
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LanMark on October 23, 2012
What are your 8 different multirotors.. what are your specs you are running right now with your homemade quadcopter.

Nice video montage.
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ben-ya-min on October 23, 2012
I started out with HobbyKing kk boards on a homebuild tricopter based on Rcexplorers design. then i refined it a few times then i bought DJI Naza and moved to Quadcopters. then i refined my quad design a few times. a total of 8 different frames.

At the moment i have the quad you see at the start of the video.
Turnigy Prop drive 28-36 750kv (from memory)
4000 3s nano teck
18amp plush ESC

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InComing RC on October 23, 2012
It's RCTestFlight's quad! Love the video by the way.
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ben-ya-min on October 24, 2012
Yeah my current quad is based on his design. mine is slightly larger and is slightly different but basically the same idea :)

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TheCount on October 25, 2012
Great Vid!!! Love the music, who is it?
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bigkuntree on October 23, 2012
it was well worth the 10 months... cool video..
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10 frustrating months of experimentation