082 Flitefest 2015

by FliteTest | July 25, 2015 | (13) Posted in Podcasts

Wow Flitefest 2015 has come and gone and what a crazy 4 days it was. Join the FTAfterhours podcast for a 2 part 3 hour benchflying session of went went down.


Audio Link

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Vine: @FliteTest
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FliteTest Instagram: @flitetest
Josh's Instagram: @flitetestjb
Alex's Instagram: @zvada 
Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey
FTAfterhours Instagram: @ftafterhours 


SwissFreek on July 30, 2015
SwissFreek July 30, 2015 The 666 timer! Soon as I heard Mike say that I knew exactly what he was talking about. I love xkcd.com.

For those that missed what Mike was talking about, or glossed over it, here's what he was referring to:


Check out that guy's other drawings, too. Some serious nerd genius going on there.
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Krümelmonster on July 26, 2015
in the last time I've noticed that in the articles section articles appear (only in the featured section) which aren't accessible to me. They appear just like normal in this section. And after some time these articles disappear like normal articles from the "Featured box" but won't be found again. Anything else from that is just very nice. Love your show, I just waiting every Mon- and Thursday for it coming out.
Greetings from Germany
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jsheffie on July 28, 2015
In this podcast, you guys reference an 'indestructible' ( air-quotes ) quadcopter. Can you provide a link please.
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jsheffie on July 28, 2015
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NoUsername on August 5, 2015
As I listened to the podcast, the plane called the "whip-it" was mentioned many times along with the Radian. I have never heard of the whip-it, is it an electric plane? Who is it made by?
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andre on August 5, 2015
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spastickitten on July 25, 2015
I have yo listen again, You guys connecting with the community is always worth another listen! Can't wait to see you guys a cfl fpv next year right *winks*
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Knotgood on July 30, 2015
Yeah, just got done binge listening to all the podcasts (eps 001-082), its been a long month or so, obviously I do not mind the "marathon" podcasts. I just don't know how I'm going to function with only 2 podcasts a week. Guess I'll have to build and fly sumpthin!
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Balu on July 31, 2015
Stephan is my brother :-). It was my first Flite Fest, but absolutely not my last. I was at the European Meetup though. Perhaps you'll come with them next time. :)

Also I don't think the Donut crew were Amish. They were playing on a mobile and got picked up by car. The donuts were really good though. :-)
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caleb_rc on July 25, 2015
3 hours!! Woo Hoo! Can't wait to listen!
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Kurt0326 on July 29, 2015
I finally got through the whole 3 hours and worth a second round, good stuff.

Brown-out: What happens in your shorts after losing power in flight... funny stuff! ROFL

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Willsonman on July 27, 2015
What a great podcast! You covered the event from many perspectives and explained what the event was really about, connecting with people.

You eluded to but did forget to talk about my Sikorsky build but no biggie. :) I met SO MANY people and was able to share my passion for building through that experience. Not to mention I also kept fairly dry being in the build tent constantly.
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andre on July 27, 2015
Yes Josh my bad. I was a little run down by time we did the podcast and forgot to do my run sheet of all the people I met and specially your project.

I do apologize for that.
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ScottyZ on July 29, 2015
^^The Air Bears guy^^. Thanks a bunch guys :)
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NCC1701 on July 29, 2015
I don't care how long the podcast is. Heck, I don't care if it's 5 hours long, as I never want to miss a word from the Afterhours crew :) Great podcast!
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andre on July 30, 2015
Errrr belay that order #1. 5 hours would be a marathon ;)
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082 Flitefest 2015