029 FT Website Redesign & FT for Schools

by FliteTest | June 4, 2014 | (30) Posted in Podcasts

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 In this episode Austin, Alex and Josh talk about upcoming Flite Fest, Flite Test for schools, our new upcoming website redesign, our future destination location and answer as many of your voicemails as we can!

Click here to register for Flite Fest!


Hang out with us around the web!
Facebook: facebook.com/flitetest
Google+: google.com/+FliteTestHQ
Twitter: twitter.com/flitetest 
Vine: @FliteTest

FliteTest Instagram: @flitetest
Josh's Instagram: @flitetestjb
Alex's Instagram: @zvada 
Austin's Instagram: @austinfurey

Want to leave us a voicemail? Click here!
We just might play it on the next show! 
If you don't have a computer microphone, you can also download the SpeakPipe app for iPhone or iPad and leave a message that way. Remember to leave your name, where you are from and your question/discussion topic in under a minute to have the best chance of being played on the show!

Have a thought about the show?
Rate us in iTunes! It helps us out a lot. :)



Tit_Gantar on June 7, 2014
can you speak a litlle louder becouse i barely hear you

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Captain Crash on June 7, 2014
me or someone else if its me i use my camera(webcam) as a microphone and its really banged up so sorry
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brettp2004 on June 4, 2014
Love the podcasts. But I'm a little confused about Flite Fest registration. If we already registered on Kickstarter, do we have to register on Eventbrite? I need to register my son on there and want to make sure I don't need to re-register myself. Can't wait for Flite Fest it's going to be great.
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brettp2004 on June 4, 2014
Never mind! I should have continued reading before posting. The answer is at the bottom of the Eventbrite link. You do not have to register again if you already pledged on Kickstarter!
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joann69 on June 30, 2014
Hi, Just wanted to know why you left the following build videos and plans off the new website under Free Plans. You're missing the FT Nutball, FT Flyer, FT Delta Wing and the most important you do not have the FT Old Fogey on the redesigned Website. Please add them ASAP.
Thank you, I have been building your scratch builds for the past 1 1/2 years. Old Fogey is my favorite scratch build.
Thank you and please keep the new planes and plans coming.
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Jamescip on June 7, 2014
Wish you guys would come to my school! Me and my friend are the only RC guys in our grade, but I think me bringing in my tricopter to my robotics club helped ;) You guys are awesome.
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ghostbear83z on June 4, 2014
Guys I am a SCUBA diver and while it true spit does work in a pinch (and you can't really rinse goggles so toothpaste and baby shampoo are out) they make anti fogging sprays
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Grendel on June 5, 2014
I wish some company in Europe would produce FT speedbuild kits... Costs of shipping from USA to UK is horrifying...
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stay-fun on June 7, 2014
Hi guys! I have a suggestion for your website, since you're in the process of improving it. What I would like to see in the forum section is a simple button, that will pop up the threads you have posted in (basically a search for any threads with yourself as poster). Often times I find it hard to find these threads I posted in, helped somebody, and not being able to respond to follow up questions...

Anyway, awesome show and keep up the good work!
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vwflat4 on August 27, 2014
Where is the link to the episode that you did with the schools? as mentioned about 10 min in.
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Carmatious on June 10, 2014
After all this time, I doubt this will be read but here it goes. FliteTest website needs some sort of "upvote" system this way others can move the relevant comments and ideas which they support to the top and will definitely reduce redundancy. Also, some sort of notification on-site. The current version has an email notification but I feel some sort of notification should be added for on-site purposes.
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FliteTest on June 11, 2014
Really good idea, this won't be included in the next update but it is something we know we need.
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Wallace Waggner on June 4, 2014
Zevada is the coolest name

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Wallace Waggner on June 4, 2014
bixler second
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Wallace Waggner on June 4, 2014
scott and furey tied for third

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Carmatious on June 5, 2014
What did FliteTest say?! What. Did. Flite. Test. Say!?
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Wallace Waggner on June 4, 2014
you guys should do 2 hour podcasts, I don't think anyone really minds...
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Carmatious on June 5, 2014
I do, a single is far too long.
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austinfurey on June 4, 2014
We occasionally do :)
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rick_harriss on June 5, 2014
As a retired teacher (UK) who used RC flying as a well attended and popular after school club I wish that I had had access to your designs at the time. The lack of aircraft (we used 3 ARTF models) makes for a lot of standing around. A simulator helped a lot on none flyable days and for pre training.

You really need to train several senior pupils (or staff) to fly - at least the basics - so you can get more students in the air (initially on buddy box's)

This is a great opportunity to teach some Practical skills, Practical maths and give an outlet for artistic skills.

Education is not about the formal classroom but MUCH more about motivation. Students who are motivate start to self learn, they behave better and are much more focused. As a direct result of these club evenings I had at least 4 students go to university to study some aspect of aeronautical engineering, 2 now work in the Formula 1 racing industry.
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WAC@NC on June 5, 2014
So true. The sky is the limit. No pun intended. My 14yr old son actually spent 3 weeks teaching Flitetest methods along side his Robotics teacher. He was fortunate enough to have a progressive thinking teacher who jumped at the idea when he found out what my son was doing at home. So they built the FT 3D. I just think it is to great of an opportunity to pass-up. Not to mention, getting to fly RC Planes at school! During the time he was building at school, we surprised him with a trip to Joe Nall for a chance to meet the FT gang. It all worked out and the whole FT family greeted us with open arms.....No really, Hugs for everyone! Thanks guys/gals!
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jweather on June 5, 2014
All set to open a FliteTest franchise in central VA, keep me posted. =)
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bill3775 on June 5, 2014
I would like to go through this training to help friends and family get into flying. I was trying to do it with some kids at church, but it didn't work as good as I had hoped.
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shermanhartman on July 30, 2014
Josh's big thing is fathers teaching their sons and getting their sons into the hobby. I got into RC thanks to Flite Test, and i have successfully gotten my dad into the hobby. He bought his first speed build kit at Flite Fest. We also picked up a micro quad for my sister and she hasnt stopped flying it since we arrived home. I'm going to throw an FT flyer together and buddy box her once I get a chance. Thanks guys :]
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Flying Penguin RC on June 6, 2014
Thanks for the shout out guys. I hope to have many new designs ready to share in the next couple months and build kits as well. Looking forward to your website re-design. Keep up the great work FT.
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Captain Crash on June 5, 2014
i still want you guys to visit Arizona but now i can go to flite fest looking forward to meeting my heros
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multig23 on June 11, 2014
Hey guys it's graham from the podcast if anyone has any additional tips for a lost quad (hopefully post lost quad) that would be great. Anything helps!
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GB-air on June 12, 2014
Yeah, although it probably won't work because I presume that the quad's power is not on. Next time you crash you can use a highly directional antenna to try to track your quad. You can slowly pan the antenna and look for where the video signal is strongest, move forward, and repeat the same process until you get in the general area of the quad.
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029 FT Website Redesign & FT for Schools