Drone Laws in Congress.

by ikem | February 27, 2014 | (10) Posted in Tips

I heard over the news one day that Iowa as starting to look at some "drone" laws, and being the person that I am, I had to email my legislators in both the house and senate. 

Having just started in the hobby, and reading a LOT on other peoples experiances, I think I have enough information to do so. 


Here is the email I sent to both my House and Senate Representives:


Hello Pat and Bill,

My name is Michael Henry, 23, and I live in Iowa Falls. I have been keeping up with the news about legislature talking about regulating "drones" or un-manned radio controlled flight platforms. I was wondering what both of your opinions were on it.
I am just getting into the radio controlled hobby, and I have a multi-rotor that I am starting to learn to fly. It does have a camera that has a transmitter, and it also holds a small Go Pro camera for recording. I still have not currently got it above 20 ft because the learning curve is pretty steep. As I hear more and more about the legislation about the use of drones, the more and more I see it getting to restricted. The FAA already has some laws pertaining to flying radio controlled platforms, and I think they are very good for what the hobby is currently. Yes, drones are gathering more interest and getting attention, but the cost and learning curve of the mid to high end platforms will be to much for some people. I have currently spent enough to qualify for a middle of the road platform, and it has the possibility of flying great, but I still cannot fly that well. That is even after 3-4 months of training.
From my view, as a consumer to the radio controlled hobby, I am going to use it for some aerial photography of the bluffs and river here in Iowa Falls, and as a volunteer fire fighter, possibly use it for rescue, but it will take a considerable amount of training before I discuss that with the department.
Well, summing things up I have 2 questions. As legislators, have you seen or tried to fly a drone? It would really change how you look at them if you tried to fly one. Also, many people are starting to do the exact same video transmitting and recording on radio controlled air planes, and helicopters as they are with drones. Basically, whatever can hold a GoPro camera, people will strap one on and fly it recording. 
If either of you have not seen a drone or would like to fly my personal one, I would invite you to come to Iowa Falls and fly it.
Thank you for representing your respective districts, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Michael Henry.
That was 9 days ago, and I did not expect a reply. But, today I recieved an email from Pat. He told me the exact bill that he supported and gave some insight to his opinions.


Thank you for contacting me. I supported HF 2289, which did regulate unmanned drones in an extremely limited fashion. The bill that we passed out of the house is still a work in progress.  We are trying to find a way to balance the rights of private property owners, and folks like yourself that use these strictly for a hobby.  We will continue to work on this legislation, trying to find a way to balance this relationship.  Please continue to keep in touch.



This is the exact answer I would like to hear. There were 2-3 bills that were presented to the House ans Senate, ranging from VERY harsh, to not allowing any camera device on an aerial platform, to very minimal, like what is found in HF 2289. After looking up HF 2289, found here, It states uses for State and local agencies, but also personal uses. While looking at the personal uses section, it really only signifies stalking and terrorism type activites. Which should be expected with all the problems out there, and I would think that they bring over some regular laws into the "drone" laws. 

Here is the excerpt of the Personal Use of bill HF 2289:

Personal Use

It is illegal for a person to use an UAV to capture an image of individual or private property with the intent to conduct surveillance, or to stalk, follow, or intimidate another person. If the person has given permission for their image to be captured or to have their image received, than nothing illegal is taking place. The use of an UAV that is equipped to either emit a peculiar sound or excessive noise, spray a liquid or a gas, or
drop an object over real property is illegal unless permission is obtained by the owner or tenant of the real

The bill has the following criminal penalties for persons who violate the laws associated with UAVs:

  • Aggravated misdemeanor if the person violates this law.
  •  Class D felony if the person violates this law and causes serious injury to another.
  •  Class C felony if the person violates this law and causes death to another person.
Totally understandable.
TLDL: Write your congress people. They do not know the opinions and ideas that we hobbiests actually have, and what the problems new laws may bring into the hobby. I understand that this bill will definitely change before it is signed, but at this point, it is going in a good direction.


Justin_Robare on March 19, 2014
I am sorry, but i will conducting an operation in means of obtaining an evidence sample from any of the Aerosol sprayed trails coming from jetplanes above the area in which i reside. This is of great importance to the health of the people and the environment with animals alike. I need this to happen before the laws become strict. I know this is totally off track on keeping these people happy and abiding by some law, but the skies over the U.S. including Ohio, Washington State, and all over the world have been part of illegal dumping of Aerosols better known as "Chemtrails" for a means of modifying the weather since the 40's, 60's and so on to this day. Anyone who still believes these are normal contrails, should really reevaluate how they obtain and process information. --By the way FliteTest is awesome! I have a feeling you will hear of this somewhere and sometime soon. Power to the Great People!
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mrwzrd59 on March 23, 2014
You are entirely WRONG! If you get a drone anywhere near a commercial airliner or even a private aviation passenger plane, you'll destroy the rights for any of us to fly under radio control anywhere! "Chem-trails?" Really?!!! You're beyond help! Misinformed and poorly schooled is a dangerous combination! Jet engines burn Jet-A kerosene and maybe some "Prist" anti-jelling/anti fungus agents and the burnt gases they give off can easily be collected on the ground! Do you think that hasent been done already? Please go read some books and think before you post!
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cstreza on March 4, 2014
I was lead to believe prior to this discussion regarding possible future RC Aircraft laws, that the Gov of some states were trying to Regulate the hobby and sport all together.
What I am to understand above, is that the Gov main concern tends to be towards the carrying of a camera or video player on board the aircraft as their main concern regarding others privacy. That is understandable, and the remaining laws I read above refers to the penalties towards the pilot in case of injury or death to another individual,, and the punishment of such cases, is understandable as well.
If I am correct of all the above concerns, I believe many of y'alls concerns could be put to rest if you simply join the AMA, join and fly at an AMA sanctioned field, and apply basic common sense towards the hobby, and in doing so, disregard any Gov regulation all together. Not attempting to sound "matter-of-fact", but lets keep the Gov at bay with this,, keep them out of the decision making process regarding "our hobby".
I for one feel that the Gov agencies have too much control over everything in this Country. I certainly do not want to invite them into second guessing the integrity and intelligence of RC Pilots.
I assume most of you share that same thought process.
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anonymous rc pilot on February 28, 2014
The bill seems sensible, the government has allot of work to do simply put. I think regulation is necessary but it could easily get out of hand, keep representing the hobby. hopefully nobody does anything ridiculous involving flying and nobody gets hurt this would probably cause some rather nasty laws to be passed by some rather angry people. On a side note i would have put this article in the news section as well as this one.
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Fireflite88 on March 20, 2014
Whats up man I came across your article today and read it. I don't fly copters or quads or any of that but I did read it because i found it interesting. I too am a firefighter in central california. I am subscribed to the fire rescue 1 newsletter, came across this and thought you'd enjoy it.


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ikem on March 20, 2014
nice thanks for sharing that. I read some FR1 articles but missed that.
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mrwzrd59 on March 23, 2014
As with soooo many good things, you can count on a few knuckleheads flying, crashing, spying and defying federal boundaries at national monument parks "innocently" shooting video, that will force the Feds to act. You have seen nothing yet! Use your head and keep your distance from sensitive areas, including the teenage girls around the pool in the neighbors yard! If you choose to act as a criminal, you should be treated as one! You have been so warned!

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theteeheeguy123 on March 29, 2014
Yep. That's the sad thing about society. The hobby itself is completely innocent, but the few people that choose to abuse it are the reason why they are forced to make these laws. That's why I have absolutely no sympathy for those who get in trouble for the misusage of this awesome hobby.
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ikem on March 29, 2014
yea, i read that in AU there was a hex that almost (or did) collide with a rescue helicopter at 1000ft. WHY was it that high... the media could skew the report a bit, but why was it that close to another aircraft, and that high. The people that push the limits of the laws already in place are the ones that will eventually ruin the hobby as we know it now.
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rcguy1677 on June 11, 2014
I believe there will be ever increasing and more restrictive laws to come with regard to RC aircraft and specifically RC aircraft with video recording capabilities and even more restrictive laws regarding true FPV aircraft,

Some of these laws will most likely include a licensing system put into place with even more fees attached to flying, this hobby is expensive enough without adding to the expense with nonsense. other laws would likely make flying all rc aircraft of any type illegal in some areas which is what is going on right now in our national parks, take the grand canyon for example Why has flying in the canyon even with full size aircraft been illegal since the 50's (makes me wonder what the government is hiding down there) what is it they dont want us to know about i ask anyone if you were to take your foam rc airplane wing and crash it into the grand canyon what could you possibly hurt, what are the chances of you actually hitting a person (OHHHH no watch out for that blade of grass you might hurt its feelings) total BS just another way to fine us large sums of money to pad their pockets i think is more likely!

there will also be more laws with regard to flying in urban areas, Which i can understand and even get behind some of them provided they dont hinder the fun to much, Would all of us FPV pilots like to scream down main street going 100 plus in our FPV plane or quad sure i dont know one who would not love the chance at that, Would this be a good idea, NO!!! when something goes wrong and it would at those speeds you could potentially kill someone, (NO not with your foam wing) but you could distract a driver and therefore cause him to run over someone crossing the street, or cause a crash the list is endless so you pick.

There are many who speculate what the laws will or will not be in truth we will not know for sure until they are released problem with that is once that is done there is not much we can do about it at that point, This is how the powerful stay in power (Knowledge) why do you think all the laws are made behind closed doors and not in the view of the public eye or the laws are worded where most people would not even understand what it said even if the were given the chance to read it before a vote was made.

Guys like Trappy with TBS and various others out there don't mean any harm but i think they are harming the hobby more than helping it, By flying that close to the statue of liberty what did he think would happen, I would like to know what was going through his head when he posted this video, (damn i got some good shots) and its true the video was awesome as are most of the TBS videos however at what cost! Granted you are always going to have those people out there who simply want to bitch and complain about every little thing, There is no reasoning or even understanding these types of people (there is allot of them too) but New York come on Trappy you know they are not over 9/11 and they never will be it was a horrible tragedy and even though TBS meant no disrespect in any way it was seen as that by allot of people there,

He i believe was simply trying to show new york to the world in a way that has never been seen before and i have to commend him for that, This particular issue could be argued either way, The real fact is no one was hurt no property was damaged.

Anyway this above is only one of the many incedents that has taken place and like this one they all have their good points and bad ones, The problem is how do we make everyone happy, How do we as a society make it to where freedom is not compromised but our safety remains intact. that is the real question here, i wish i had an answer i suppose if i did i would be one of those powerful people i mentioned earlier LOL

I leave you with this to ponder let me know what you guys think of my thinking maybe im wrong maybe im right, all i know is make your own mind up dont let someone else do it for you. when you see laws that potentially threaten our freedom stand up and say something. this goes for any law being decided
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Drone Laws in Congress.