Thread the Needle - Pun Jet

by FliteTest | April 6, 2015 | (19) Posted in Challenges

So we were sitting around one day when Peter pipes up with the words, "I'm going to fly through the shop." My only concern was him neglecting to think about Josh's allergies. 

The plan was this: 

Step 1. Attach the Micro FPV Setup to the Pun Jet.

Step 2. Attempt to fly in the back doors...

...through the shop...

...and out the front door. 

Step 3. Try to convince the landlord why we should get our deposit back. 


Altitude was too low. It was very difficult to see the entryway. 

To help line up the shot we used a flashlight for guidance. Thanks again Curt Barret! (Trimax on the forums) 


This is the last frame of the FPV for attempt 2. Even with the guiding light it was too difficult to see the entrance through the camera. 

Even after literally flying full speed into a brick wall, the Pun Jet only sustained a bit of fin damage and a chip in the prop. 


The first LOS flight was the furthest yet. We did run into some troubles, and by 'run into' I mean slam and by 'troubles' I mean vintage locker.

Again the Pun Jet kept fighting; a bit of leading edge damage and a broken prop. 


Standing in the field was a bit too far out to fly LOS. Once the plane entered the shop it was too difficult to see. 

The solution?

Stand right in the line of fire!



Needless to say, DO NOT try to do this through your house! Your parents/spouse will blame us so don't say we didn't warn you.

Instead we recommend finding some holes in trees at your local park or, if you can, get access to an abandoned building where even if you wreck into a doorway you're not going to get yourself into trouble. 


Due to INSANE demand from you guys we are going to be releasing the Pun Jet as a Speed Build Kit.

Keep your eyes open for a review, plans, and build video NEXT WEEK!


Zeb Ludlow on April 6, 2015
I love it great episode all around. Oh I think you embarrassed Max on camera "wach out for max duoky !" I love the footage of the the successful flight
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charlie.lukes on April 7, 2015
I need the full sized plans. This is great. A delta wing with f22 canopy and a pusher. NICE!

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FALSARC on April 8, 2015
First off, FT is a team. No one person is the Holy Grail, the FT crew works best together. I will be the first to say, one great idea usually has several bad ideas before it. Now onto the star of the show, its not the FT crew, its our hobby....its the inexpensive ingenuity of building rc aircraft. I hope I did not offend anyone, I just wanted to relay my thoughts.
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jksbusiness on April 6, 2015
Nice to see that the snow has melted.....and the flying season has offically begun! I enjoyed every risky move.
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PropSpinner on April 8, 2015
I like Peter! Please don't listen to the negative comments. He has a great imagination that complements Flitetest. You guys are doing some very entertaining episodes. Just keep things safe.
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Pete7694 on April 10, 2015
I was just watching the TV show Right This Minute and they showed this video of Peter flying his plane through the shop.
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Bsvoboda02 on August 3, 2015
Really? I saw that they did a bit on the multiplane from Flite Fest 2015, I guess Peter's crazy ideas attract a lot of attention.
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earthsciteach on April 6, 2015
Hey! There's Curt's (Trimax) handsome mug! This makes me miss the slightly insane friend I used to fly with who moved to Florida.
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TimmyGT on April 6, 2015
Awesome!!! Can't believe he actually pulled it off! Awesome!!
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dalphin1964 on April 7, 2015
Great Job. I can't wait to build my own.
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Blort on April 8, 2015
thread the needle should be an annual ringing in of the beginning of flight season. I've always loved the technical flights such as quads through loops, speed build land and takeoff from tables.

show us more technical flight with homebuilt foamies. I would also love to see more picture in picture views of FPV or open sky flight and hands on controls in the small screen.

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yoadrian on April 23, 2015
Great job guys. Never was into planes before because I don't have a big field. I like the small stuff. Keep it coming. I have built the tiny trainer and will be testing it out soon. Thanks for such a fun inexpensive hobby. I don't look at my dollar general store the same now.
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enivid on April 6, 2015
"Much victory. Great Success!"
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jrbemis on April 6, 2015
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FliteGreg on April 6, 2015
Thank you for hearing our request to make the plans and kit available!
Peter has a winner here.
Well done, my stryker 180 will have competition!
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alfa7tango on April 8, 2015
Josh was right what a bad idea. Peter needs to leave Flite Test as soon as possible. He is the worst thing to happen at Flite Test ever. I never thought I would be turning off Flite Test until he came along. Cmon guys get back to doing cool stuff and not let this guy think he's the Hole Grail to the hobby. It seems whenever he's in front of the camera it's all about how great he is. Please, less Peter and more good stuff.
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GluedFingers on April 9, 2015
Peter's awesome, I miss David too. Keep up the good work to Peter, you no David. Thank God LOL. I loved the video of Peter help the kids get the glider off the roof. Peter was so cool, to the kids.
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91shadowrider on April 6, 2015
Now I know how people feel who watch football and scream with excitement. I was screaming Yes! Yes!!!!
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andrewb on April 7, 2015
Put a rocket engine in one!😀😀😀
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arbiter on April 7, 2015
I agree!!! that would be awesome! I also suggested to put a small EDF fan on instead of a motor and prop
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BluBunnyRC on April 6, 2015
Peter: (Running like a happy toddler)
"Much victory. Great Success!"

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flysky on April 12, 2015
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BluBunnyRC on April 6, 2015
Steve Irwin: (Aussi Accent) "Oi, thars a rare Josh Bixler running like a gazelle through the lush field. As an Omnivore It's diet surprisingly consists mostly of coffee and Mountain Dew
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BluBunnyRC on April 6, 2015
A common Allergy that plagues this species, is their major unsureness, of the Majestic Peter's ideas. ;)
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EZ Air on April 6, 2015
i want a Pun Jet!!!
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marc60 on April 7, 2015
You guys have a lot of fun.
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arbiter on April 7, 2015
Would love to mod on a small EDF fan, it would be slick! Awesome flying!!
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patrol7 on April 6, 2015
This reminds me of the FliteTest episodes of yesteryear!!!! Too funny! Great job FtiteTest Team.
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bryuly on April 6, 2015
Best part of the video, "Like a gazelle." Haha
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bryuly on April 6, 2015
Great entertainment by the way. Like the challenges!
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GluedFingers on April 9, 2015
I agree with the gazelle comment. Every video with Josh B. running in it, gets me laughing. Half bent over, arms and legs moving at different speeds in different directions. I can't tell if he is reliving running away from his parents or "that time in summer camp", that he can't talk about.
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CJGFX on April 7, 2015
Like it guys, fun, crazy and I hope your doing the build video this week.....
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thudd55 on April 7, 2015
nice job peter keep on designing and building fun planes.
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turbootter on April 8, 2015
Here is my two cents worth. Peter is an awesome addition to the group. He rounds out where David left off, when, sigh, he had to go back to Sweden. Peter adds a new concept to the airplane side of Flite Test, along with Eric they both bring two unique and different experiences to our Hobby. So the Nay Sayers, I enjoy Peter's fun sense of humor and keep coming out with new ideas.
And it is all fun and games until some gets hurt, then it's a challenge being I am the one who usually gets hurt, HAHA!
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spitball on April 7, 2015
awesome love it! will definately be building one soon.
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PropSpinner on April 6, 2015
I laughed till I cried and my cheeks hurt!😃😁😝 You guys are crazy!
I'm sure you took all the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe.😉
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AERODROME on April 14, 2015
Congratulations on making it to the "Right Now" TV show. Aired on Ch 2 KTVU San Francisco CA
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Digital Wolf on April 6, 2015
Hahaha that was hilarious! Good job guys!
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NoUsername on April 6, 2015
Unlike everyone else, this is a very childish act. Many videos are showing irresponsible actions. Even though you warn people not to do something, it is good bet that they will attempt to do that. Safety should be of utmost thought and it again proves that Peter has no desire to do so, but for what he wants to do. Sorry!!
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nebulous on April 6, 2015
Because safety is what the world is all about. Uhm, not really.

They're the first to admit that what they're doing is risky. Responsibility belongs with the person taking the risk. There's a reason a running gag in the world is the ridiculous safety labels on American products... :-)
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charlie.lukes on April 7, 2015
The Wright brothers were told they were crazy and risked their lives. I would bet every single person at the shop was warned about was was going on.
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bruin12 on April 9, 2015
I'm with baronbernie. This episode set a bad safety example and did nothing to further the hobby or FliteTest brand. There was a high potential to 'make some (really bad) memories' flying that little rocket through a building full of people. FliteTest can do better.
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yoadrian on April 23, 2015
Two words people. "Foam board"
It's very light and has low density. It doesn't hurt when flown into you unless you stick your hand in the prop.... So don't do that and you'll be ok. Grow some nads already.
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GluedFingers on April 9, 2015
Was the glass breaking show any safer? Half the things these guys do isn't safe. Putting a turkey in a plane is not safe.Paintball, soft bee bee? A flying cinder brick not safe. If you told me ten years ago I would be flying helicopters in my house I would have given you a lecture on safety and crazy. But here I am flying multiple quad copters in my house with my kids and just like this video and all the others smiles all around. Good job FT, this and all the other videos make me smile every night. Keep them coming please, and be safe.
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lusid666 on April 7, 2015
From what I could see, everyone knew what was happening and were keeping out of the way so whats the problem? I bet you scream health and safety if you see some one stood on a chair changing a lightbulb.
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NoUsername on April 7, 2015
Thank you lusid666 for your reply. Being one that has been trained in High School in shop (for FAA Mechanics licensing), College Safety and Fire Marshall in our Men's Dormatory and in our family, what was shown would never be allowed. You know the old saying better to be safe than sorry!
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yoadrian on April 23, 2015
Gwad, let's all don our straight jackets and file into the padded room. Don't fall off the couch when taking a nap either you could get hurt. When did we get so mammby pamby?
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FliteGreg on April 6, 2015
These guys are trained professionals, don't try this at home! :)
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willrocks on April 6, 2015
good job yay the speed build is coming out
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Thread the Needle - Pun Jet