Servo Screw-Mounting Rings for Foamboard Airplanes

by clough42 | October 27, 2014 | (6) Posted in Projects

These 3D-printed servo mounts allow you to mount servos in your foamboard airplanes with screws so you can remove them later for replair or replacement, or just to move them to a new plane.

I've never felt good about using hot glue to mount servos in my foam board airplanes.  The servos can be removed with a knife, but it's an ordeal that damages the plane and leaves a messy task to clean up the servos if you want to re-use them.

As I was prying the rudder servo out of my FT3D-120 for the third time to replace gears, I thought that there had to be a better way.  So I sat down and designed some mounting rings to provide hard mounting points for screws.

Just hot-glue these rings into the plane and then mount the servos with screws.

This version of the ring was designed for common 9g servos like the HXT-900 and the TG9e.  It may work with other servos of the same dimensions.

If you have a 3D printer, you can print them yourself.

Download the STL file from Thingiverse

If you don't have a 3D printer, I have packages available for sale through eBay.


Gsimpson2g on November 7, 2014
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81zapper on November 7, 2014
Or maybe you could send me 10 or so . I could do a review on them (wink wink)
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Bellows on November 7, 2014
Great idea and nice implementation.
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81zapper on November 7, 2014
You need to put them on e-bay or something that is a brilliant idea I'd love to get a few

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clough42 on November 7, 2014
I love having a 3D printer because I can go from idea to prototype very quickly, but I realize not everyone has one, so I do have eBay listings for a few of my designs:
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Skipp2Maloo on November 12, 2014
Great Idea, Good Price!
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clough42 on November 12, 2014
I'm glad you like them.
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clough42 on November 8, 2014
If any of you were looking for the eBay listing, I was sold out briefly, but I've got more up now and more on the way.
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Crazy68 on November 7, 2014
Great idea, Thanks.
I'm building a simple storch now and would love to try them out!

Good job!
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Nathan_116 on November 7, 2014
Genius!!! I am the only person in my family that flies and as a beginner I tend to go through planes pretty quickly. This would save such a hassle digging servos out. Also, with my limited servo supply, thus will enable me to keep several planes flyable and switch servo's out, thus not having me destroy fuses digging and cutting glue. Now all I need is a 3d printer.
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pintokitkat on November 8, 2014
Can't download the STL because Thingiverse shows it as 'This thing is not yet public'
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clough42 on November 8, 2014
Oh my! You're absolutely right. I'm sorry about that. It should be fixed now.
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Kiowa Mech on November 24, 2014
That is an awesome idea, so simple but very useful!
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clough42 on November 25, 2014
Thank you. I'm glad you like them.
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Servo Screw-Mounting Rings for Foamboard Airplanes