Quick Tip: Laminating a Foam Core Wing

by FliteTest | June 28, 2016 | (8) Posted in Tips

We had the wonderful opportunity to spend a weekend with an awesome flying family from our community, Heather and Shane McDowell, aka Mr. and Ms. FlashGangster.

One of the most difficult things about making a durable race wing is the laminating process, so the McDowell family showed us how to laminate and shared some great finishing tips with us as well! 

To laminate your wing, spray the painted wing with Super 77. Let dry for 15–30 minutes.

Place the wing in a scrap foam cradle, and pinstripe if desired.

Lay 3mm laminate over top of the wing. Starting from the middle of the wing, use a heat iron to seal the laminate. Work the iron from the middle to the leading and trailing edge of the wing. 

After the top is done, flip the wing and cut reliefs to allow the film to cross over to the bottom. Seal the bottom the same way as the top.

Every wing is different, but we hope this will give you some cool tips to both finishing and building your own flying wing.

Thank you to the McDowells for sharing their knowledge and love of flight, and thank you to the Flite Test family for giving your time and talents to move this hobby forward.

Check out the McDowells' channels at the links below:


Mr. FlashGangster
Ms. FlashGangster

Share your own laminating quick tips with us in the comments below, on our Facebook, or in an article!


mahdi naghipoor on July 1, 2016
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CJGFX on July 1, 2016
Where can you buy this sort of laminate from?
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Yogenh on July 6, 2016
I am with you and would love to know where to get it and is it just called laminate or something else?? I use top flight monokote on wood planes is that the same?
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flashgangster on July 18, 2016
You can get the laminating film at www.team-legit.com. I've seen it elsewhere too being called "new stuff."
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eagle4 on July 8, 2016
When you purchase a plane you normally get enough to cover it with. I know that all the main manufacturers in North America offer it. TBRC Wings, Team Legit, Sweepwings, RiteWings
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eagle4 on June 29, 2016
Here is a great article showing how to build an EPP race wing.
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davereap on July 1, 2016
laminating film is great for covering EPP foam types and for going over depron, XPS, types of foam it adds stiffness and strength... Over depron types the finish is excellent.. I have taken to skinning EPP with 2mm depron, then covering with laminating film... perhaps a step too far, but the finish is beautiful..
for a quick trial get some A3 laminating pouches, iron on with 1/2" overlap... the joins are strong and barely visible..
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Quick Tip: Laminating a Foam Core Wing