Practicing FPV with Tricopter and GoPro

by Dr_Kirkland | June 4, 2013 | (5) Posted in Just Fun

I recently got into FPV and have been practicing using my FatShark goggles with my Talon Tricopter from Hobbyking. This is the result. Enjoy!

p.s. Watch in 780p, it makes it much more enjoyable :) 



Flight controller :

ESC (x3) :

Motor (x3) : 

Prop (x3) : 8 x 4.5

Battery :

Flight Cam / Recorder : GoPro HD2

Goggles : FatShark Predator V2 w/ 5.8 Ghz 250 mW Tx

Controlled with the Dx6i and AR400.


apache64 on June 5, 2013
I am at the same stage as you, but unfortunately the DRM for the song you used does not allow me to view it here in Germany :-( so could you post it without any music so I may see your footage? Kind regards.
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Dr_Kirkland on June 5, 2013
Gladly. I am at work right now, so I will have to wait until I get home to upload a new version. I will reply again with new link in the next few hours.
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jerimiah85 on June 5, 2013
The song sets off the video. thanks for sharing. question im new to quads and such and I was wondering is a tri or a quad is easer to fly. if you can email me at snjsmith06@live thanks I have a lot of questions about these things and don't want to crowd up the page thanks - jerimiah
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Dr_Kirkland on June 5, 2013
It doesn't seem to like the email you just provided. Quads are easier in my opinion, especially if you are building it yourself. Did you mean that you did or did not like the song?
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jerimiah85 on June 5, 2013
no the song makes the video enjoyable :) its I have some items im looking at buying and just need a helping hand in the right direction
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Dr_Kirkland on June 5, 2013
Shoot me an email so I can reply to it my email is acting up
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jerimiah85 on June 5, 2013
I sent on off my gmail
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apache64 on June 6, 2013
Thank you for the video with no sound, it worked :-) the stability and flying was awesome! My problem is that I cannot tell if I am flying backwards or side slipping, but you seemed to have it cracked..well done, I must try harder..;-)..

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AndyPants on June 7, 2013
Thanx for the video, I really enjoyed it. Hoping to be installing some FPV gear on my tri soon, this just made my wallet itch real bad!
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DeValk on June 5, 2013
Nice flight are you using auto level ??
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Dr_Kirkland on June 5, 2013
No, just a very simple KK board. Not the KK2.
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lracnolip on June 5, 2013
nice flying, I can't see good enough out of my Fatshark Predator's to fly that well.
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Dr_Kirkland on June 5, 2013
Sometimes I have difficulty with fogging, but if I let them warm up before using them, they do fine. I am using the GoPro as live feed as well.
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apache64 on June 5, 2013
Thank you i look forward to seeing your achievements, it might spur me on to go do the same, but the weather as you may have heard is horrible here at the moment, but hopefully soon it will be dry and sunny.
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Dr_Kirkland on June 5, 2013
No problem. Sunny and hot here in Texas.
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Dr_Kirkland on June 5, 2013 Hope that works
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Practicing FPV with Tricopter and GoPro