Impromptu Spot Landing!(Crash)

by Zatoichi | October 24, 2013 | (8) Posted in Just Fun

 Here I am flying an AXN that we have modded a bit to fit a Boscam H.D.19 as well as a flightcam on pan tilt.

She is a 910mhz bird. A bit of coreflute and glue and she was up and flyin!

Astute viewers will note that the impact was not overly destructive.

We put some thought into the setup and worked in what we saw as usefull "points of failure".

Below is just after we got her inside.

Slathering hotgluewas not needed here,as two dabs(one on each side after frogtape covering)gave plenty of hold.

This helps with not tearing great bits of foam off your plane,and will help with snapping your pan/tilt mount or stripping your servo head.

Epo foam will take a lot of abuse.Paking tape will help keep your foam in place,and helps with gravel landings If it crumples you can leave it in the sun and it will decompress some.

If you need to repair somthing more than a ding,you can remove the electronics and use very hot water to help expand the foam to somthing like new.(Pratice makes perfect)

Below is a pulled antenna.Not enough slack and your flexing foam may do this to your wiring. 

This piece of coroplast failed just as we had hoped it would, flexing and breaking some to absorb the impact and transfer the shock rather than resist.=o)


Below is a shot of the only crack from the fall. Near the fuselage,easly hotglued.


Leftside crinkle.Lets hear it for packing tape!


apnewton on November 1, 2013
Pin point landing. What cause the screaming death spiral?
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
Stupidity!lol Thanks m8!
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alibopo on November 2, 2013
Come on, you put those straw bales there for just this eventuality - admit it! :)
Yes, a lucky 'soft' ish landing. Good work on the crash-proofing as well - it definitely paid off. Thanks for sharing.
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
You found me out! Well,just keep it under you cap,eh? I am loving your vids m8!
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alibopo on November 18, 2013
Thanks for that! Cheers.
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iPeel on November 3, 2013
I bet you couldn't have hit those bales if you wanted to, let alone in as much style!
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
You may have a point there. Thanks for wachin.
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ashtodust2000 on November 2, 2013
The plane was hungry and wanted a marshmallow, lol !!!
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
NOmNomNom! Fun!
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28th St. Air on November 2, 2013
How is it that planes always manage to be drawn to rocks, trees, fence posts and hay-bales when they crash? I too saw the moth fly away at 1:41. Need to check your moth meter prior to the next flight. Clearly that moth had low mothAmps.
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
Always do your preflight anti-moth checks facing north folks!
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SgtPilotNit on November 15, 2013
Plunging to earth with Eddy Arnold yodeling in the background has to be an FPV first. Love the vid and the music ! I think the round bale probably saved your cookies.
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
I think you are correct.Glad you enjoyed it!
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rockets4kids on November 1, 2013
So what caused it? And what was that you landed on?

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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
Pilot error.Lack of speed and not enough control on my part.and..Hay bale
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uberjay on November 2, 2013
I just want to know if any moths were hurt in the making of this wonderful vid? ;-) (If you don't get it, rewatch the crash slow-mo. heh, heh.) Thanks for sharing!
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
Thanks for watching Jay.I talked to him after.I think he was just startled. No worries.=)
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uberjay on November 18, 2013
:) Maybe you should change your handle to, "Ztoichi .... moth whisperer." LOL
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casehatter on November 1, 2013
Yes sir been there done that a time or nine..LOL..!! I just got my Surfer-Pro back together from a nasty crash lost transmitter signal and right in the biggest tree around of course lots of repair and flew her today with the 1.2 mhz and had some multi-pathing gotta work on some antenna on well Vid coming of my crash..
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
Dude your latest videos have been really great! I really liked the tour of your village. How far out have you been on 72mhz brother Case? I have not yet found a smoking deal on a good 72mhz radio.
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casehatter on November 18, 2013
Yea hard to find I got my 7C for $40.00 at a swap in W.S. NC 5hrs. on it they had it programmed wrong Love it. I've been out 1.5 then in same place make it farther depends..!! Scarey though that far when I loose I stand hard bank back at me has worked so far. More to come going to give ya more of tha big bird. been saving those case to much gear to DVD without fuzzing the pics. I think the dvd rec. has some noise issue's.
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Zatoichi on November 20, 2013
You using the HK DVR? It may be noisy for sure. Have you got the resoulition jacked up as far as it will go? It took me a bit to find it on mine.I am rolling through my mail and man ,you have been busy Case! Lol I am gonna git a watchin. (congrats on ur new lady friend mi amigo.)
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Clayton on November 15, 2013
that poor moth..........
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Zatoichi on November 18, 2013
Just surprised. No harm done m8.=)
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Impromptu Spot Landing!(Crash)