How to fly 4 Channel RC Airplane

by VoroRC | April 23, 2013 | (11) Posted in How To

This is a learners guide, first time fliers tutorial video. Everything you need to know before taking off your very first 3 or 4 Channel RC airplane.



FeWolf on April 28, 2013
what sim you using?
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VoroRC on April 29, 2013
Phoenix RC Sim version 4.
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Buckeyegator on April 25, 2013
I am interested in how you get the views of the plane on the left and your radio on the lower right. I have Phoenix and have never been able to actually change the view.
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VoroRC on April 25, 2013
You can click and drag the remote to wherever you see fit. As for the plane, the camera tries to place the model in the middle of the screen but, fails to do so sometimes. I have no control over the model just the remote.
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Buckeyegator on April 25, 2013
Great first tutorial !!! I suspect this might have been Phoenix Software? If not, what software are you using?

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VoroRC on April 25, 2013
Yes, this is Phoenix.
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ethanw on April 26, 2013
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VoroRC on April 27, 2013
No, recently updated to v4.
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How to fly 4 Channel RC Airplane