FT Viggen Review

by michaelchernoff123 | April 28, 2014 | (6) Posted in Reviews

In this episode of FPV of RC, We review the FliteTest Viggen. This is the first EDF Jet on the show and also the first EDF Micahel has flown. Check out our website at www.fpvofrc.com to see cool pictures of the Maui Phantom. The FT Viggen is unlike any other EDF jet as it can fly very slow or you can fly it as an EDF and speed up to 90MPH!

- Michael


michaelchernoff123 on April 28, 2014
Thanks! I have an alarm on my DX9, I was so busy flying this time that when it went off, I didn't even hear it!
- Michael
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alibopo on April 29, 2014
Great to be so engrossed! :)
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1959cutter on April 28, 2014
great review and congrats on the first EDF.im building a viggen right now,thanks for the feedback on what to expect.
I try not to completely discharge my batteries,and I have a 2s that just died after three years of daily use.
that is the only concern I have about the EDF and battery life,even for a 4s.
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alibopo on April 28, 2014
Hi Michael, great review - nice slow passes. You really showed the versatility of the plane. I was a little surprised near the end of the video when you ran the battery flat. If you use some kind of low voltage battery alarm you avoid damaging the battery - the alarms I use connect to the balance leads and make a loud bleeping when the voltage gets critical. Last time I ran a battery down too low (because my alarm got knocked-off), my electronic charger refused to recharge it because the start voltage was too low. Luckily I managed to 'trick' the charger by sticking-on another couple of 'OK' used batteries in parallel so that the total voltage went over the safe minimum, and after that the battery recharged fine. If that hadn't worked I probably would have had to scrap the battery. Running the battery so low also risks losing the receiver, and all control. I see I'm not the only one making this comment. I took so long to write it someone beat me to it! Cheers, alibopo.
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1959cutter on May 1, 2014
I just got my spitfire off my roof after two days and the 3s is dead from just being pluged in that long.
if I let it "rest" a couple days sometimes they come back to life.
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alibopo on May 1, 2014
Definitely worth a try! I knew my 'duff' battery had to be just below the cut-off for the charger - I went straight from flying to attempting to recharge. Connecting it to a pile of other low (but still OK) batteries meant the OK ones gave a little of their power over to the dodgy one as their voltages equalised. Of course it could have gone horribly wrong and they all discharged to below the cut-off value, but I reckoned the 'duff' one wasn't too far gone. I wouldn't try this by pairing a low voltage battery with a newly-charged battery - the power transfer would not be limited by any resistance, say from a motor, or speed controller, so the discharge/charge rate could damage both batteries. Also, my 'duff' battery didn't show any sign of puffing or damage so it was worth a shot at a 'rescue'. I do treat these batteries with a lot of respect, and always store them at the (3S) 11.4 storage value.
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JamesWhomsley on May 1, 2014
Wow this was really good. Well done! I enjoyed watching.
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FT Viggen Review