FRCfoamies F22 Raptor Review

by eZflight | May 26, 2016 | (0) Posted in Reviews

This is our Review of the f22 raptor from FRCfoamies.

Go to to download the plans

It's the most scale looking f22 we've built but also the best performing. It wasn't very hard to build and only took a few hours. Even if you're a beginer, I would still recomend you building it, that's how confident I am in this plane. 

 First off, we did have some issues with the elevators fluttering. We think the sculpted body might have an aerodynamic affect on the elevators because the kept fluttering and even broke off at one pint causing the crash. We did try adding extra carbon fiber support but we still had an issue when going extremely fast. 

We recommend using a stronger foam for the elevators and really reinforcing the elevators with carbon and possibly tape. I wants to go fast but with weak elevators... you will have trouble! 

It's also possible that ours was just a lemon. But regardless we're happy we built it and we still fly it around today. It was very rewarding to see just how scale this thing looks in the air. It's the best looking parkjet I've ever built thats for sure! Another issue is it's awkwardness to launch, the leading edge slats make for great flight charictoristics but also make it very hard to grip the leading edge of the wing. We did figure out a good way to hold the plane and the was tossing it over the shoulder in an awkward fassion but It worked as you can see in the video. 

Other than that we have no complaints and we would highly recommend building the plane! It had great asthetics and also flys incredibly stable. If you add spoilerons you should be able to get some great high alpha. The leading edge slats give it a lot of lift!

Catching was also an issue as I broke the elevators during the landing. I wouldnt reccomend wheels because it adds weight, causes drag, and takes away from the sclae apperence. 

Make sure to download the plans, Click here


Air-headed Aviator on July 16, 2016
Looks metal, what are some specs?
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eZflight on July 5, 2016
Love this plane!!
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FRCfoamies F22 Raptor Review