Cheap FPV Ground Station

by Rubnorris | September 14, 2012 | (6) Posted in Projects

Set up for 1.2Ghz 800mw 12ch  From ((!  ))

13dbi Yagi  (( ))

4.3" LCD Very CLEAR!!!
(( ))


squishy on September 17, 2012
lol, trog likes the cooler. I have reservations...
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Rubnorris on September 19, 2012
LOL thanks man. I'm liking it for it's size. Not to shabby =)
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Drill Sarge on December 29, 2012
Not bad at all. Have u thought about puttjng the screen in the bottom instead and when u open it do it so the the lid can act as a shade from the sun so u wont get any glare. Love ur idea though. Thank u. And keep up the good work.
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Cheap FPV Ground Station