FPV of RC-New Video Layout and answering questions

by michaelchernoff123 | January 20, 2014 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

we answer a few comments and questions about our show and tell our viewers about our awesome new video format. Watch our previous episode here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQM6aqrnhzs


coh998 on February 5, 2014
It's perfectly okay to copy Flite Test. I think it's what they want us to do - get up and *do* something RC related, to be inspired by their efforts and to *share* the results. Just don't copy their exact episodes; bring your own ideas and experiences to the table, and I'm sure they'll be glad to continue hosting your efforts. Keep up the good work!
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godonholiday on January 22, 2014
You guys don't need to justify anything to anyone. Do what you want, have fun, film it. People don't have to watch it if they don't want.

Everyone starts somewhere and you have a made a better start than most.
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FPV of RC-New Video Layout and answering questions