Thank you for listening to the FliteTest podcast! In this episode we interview Trappy (Raphael Pirker) of Team Black Sheep. Instead of just having a podcast with Trappy as an interview segment, we decided to do the whole podcast with him. We wanted to use his extensive long range FPV knowledge, and his unique experiences to bring you some really valuable content.
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Long Range FPV Discussions:
1. What do you anticipate for the FPV hobby in 5 years? in the USA? Abroad?
Is it possible to simultaneously grow and protect the hobby we all love so much?
2. Integrated vs Modular designs
3. Long range FPV safety
4. Circular vs Polarized Antennas
Some of our Q&A Questions:
1. TBS sometimes fly without spotters, use illegal equipment and film without permission. What is your rationale for this?
2. What is the most trouble you have gotten in while shooting a video?
3. Do you feel you are damaging the reputation of the FPV hobby by your actions?
4. Most epic fail, hardest to reach lost plane?
5. What's your favorite transmitter?
Motion To Dismiss: FAA-v-Pirker
Team Black Sheep
Ham Test Online
IB Crazy
Antennas 101 - Polarization, Diversity & Gain Patterns
RF Explorer (Spectrum Analyzer)
Podcast Fort...
TBS Video - The High Tech Line
Join the discussion below!
What do you anticipate for the FPV hobby in 5 years? In the USA? Abroad?
Where do you get your great music for your vids and do you have to pay royalties? I'd love to use some of the same music.
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So they are a commercial product, at least the newer ones.
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While I do not necessarily agree with the way Trappy does things, and I don't think he approaches dealing with people with the best attitude, I do respect him for sticking to his beliefs, and at the very least being open and honest about what he does.
It was nice to see that despite having different views everyone was able to sit down and talk about it like adults, I completely agree that it would be damaging to not discuss something just because some people may view it as wrong. Right or wrong, things need to be put out on the table so that everyone can at least understand what it is.
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fpv is a subject for discussion. government would like to forbid completely but us hobbyists are hurt by that. the government forget that every individual is equipped with something like "common sense" or at least a brain in your skull. it's sensible to think about the risk your gonna take. nobody is gonna fly a plane in his house because of the danger of hitting the closet with the delicate china and stuff.
If your able to set up a plane, equipe it with fpv and fly it, you should have some intelligence.
but if you want to harm, nobody will stop you.....
keep up the good work!
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I'd love to be on your show some time. If you would like some more info about Canada and UAVs I'd be happy to contribute.
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And Trappy love your FVP vids!
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Special for the name for the TBS wing! Caipirinha, who ever drink it, knows how it´s good!
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Trappy comes off as more than a bit arrogant. He doesn't care how his actions affect the hobby. As long as it's "within the law", any buttons that Trappy can push to boost his personal notoriety, he will gladly push.
So let's say my neighborhood doesn't have laws against noise. That means I have the right to blast my stereo in the back yare at 1000 decibels. If the neighbors don't like it, that's just tough, because I like to listen to my music loud and outdoors...and there's no law against it.
In Trappy's mind everything seems to be black and white, and driven by statue. Common sense, courtesy, or good of the hobby really isn't a consideration.
It's a very tried and true method of generating publicity by pushing the limits and being the "gansta" or "bad boy or girl". His methods aren't much different than the controversy stirred up by retailers like Abercrombie and Fitch, or celebrities like Milley Cyrus. Yep, Trappy's sees himself as the Milley Cyrus of RC.
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He needs to understand that politicians and governments are rarely logical when they pass laws. It's more important in their eyes to avoid liability by "doing something", and that "something" usually ends up being draconian. It's easier and faster to simply ban something that to attempt a nuanced response. And Trappy is giving them plenty of ammo to do that.
Flying right over people who have not given specific, informed consent is unconscionable.
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Although I wouldn't mind if the podcasts were longer. The videos take a lot of editing and such, so I understand that they are a lot of work to get out there. However, I don't think editing the podcast is such a big job, right? So on that note, longer is better imo :D
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On your streaming controls, can you make the timeline bar longer? Or at least add a rewind 10 seconds button. At times there is some local noise that makes me miss something that is said and I want to go back one or two sentences. The current controls makes it like 15 or 30 minutes.
And once again, please make the podcasts available on
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antenna 101
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Sound quality was bad to start, over level distortion, but improved as it progressed. (downloaded via Downcast on iPhone 4s)
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Nice reddit thread also.
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My 12 y/o likes to rationalize her behavior, too ("If you don't respect me, why should I respect you"....really? "yeah, but..."). I'm glad you had him on. David, good job of keeping your intellectual integrity. I'm not insulting him. He's just not the type of person I would personally choose to associate with.
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Excellent show. I wasn't sure about the podcast route but I am really liking how this is going, especially because of this one. The questions were respectful yet "hot seat" type questions that would put some on edge. Trappy though is a cool cucumber who has thought a lot through. I'm not saying I agree totally but there was good discussion. And what a great example that is to the rest of us that we could discuss the issues we disagree on in a respectful way. I would have liked to have heard Trappy's own ideas of how really is too far. He defended his position but I still am not sure what he considers as his ethical/moral/safe boundaries for FPV flying.
Great show.
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I am still really outside the hobby and have never done any of these wonderful things, yet, but the idea of flying low over roads, or even alongside from a moving vehicle makes me VERY uncomfortable, given the known potential for unusual distractions to cause RTAs.
I think that any legislation that is created needs to recognise the extreme light-weightedness of many of the FPV fixed wings. On the other hand, I personally wouldn't fancy having a TBS Discovery Pro dropped on my head from any distance at all.
Whilst I applaud TBS's commitment to innovation, I would question whether a necessary cost of this must be to so often challenge and irritate authority. Plus, it's probably a good thing that the military airforces don't routinely develop their tech. by flying it low over urbanised areas. LOL
I started out being a fan of TBS and their disciples, but now I am NOT comfortable with it at all. The trouble is, I will still probably watch, and THAT then encourages them: awkward.
Again, great show, great resource,
God bless
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