Evening relax with FT 3D Pro(file)

by Bayboos | August 30, 2016 | (9) Posted in Just Fun

Some time ago (quite long, to be honest) I built a profile version of the amazing FT 3D. I even wrote an article about that, and some of you even liked it enough to leave some very nice comments; but at that time my skill level was not anywhere near to show the true capabilities of this beauty. Well, it did change over time, and here's the result:



The plane looks and behaves wonderfully in the air, with full, crisp response to any control input, capable of flying slow and fast, providing a lot of fun ewen when flying in tight areas where almost no other plane (of this size) can go.

And they look really good, even without the paint:

If you were thinking about getting a profile plane (that way or another; not everybody have to design and build one), I strongly recommend to do that. Even if it would not be your "plane of choice" for the most of the time, it will still get you to the places (both fun- and location-wise) you would never imagine are possible.


Good Luck, and Have Fun!


magicmerlin on September 6, 2016
It would be hard not to like this plane with all the simple cutting out and with your natural talent in flying. I am very sure that many of the community members would agree that you have a winner of a plane. Love the music in used the video.

Just like minimo, and probably many others that have view your article, a set of plans would be much easier to follow instead of guessing about many parts of the plane.

Again, great job and keep on designing that type of panes. Have you ever thought of designing a fatty type?

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Bayboos on September 10, 2016
Thank you very much for your kind words.

During the last two days, the popularity of this article literally skyrocketed; mostly (I believe) due to FliteTest crew re-posting it on their FB page. That in turn triggered new wave of interest and questions about the plans. I never made any plans before. I'm usually using the original FT plans and modifying them "on the fly"; but this time I actually started to work on the set of plans that can be used to recreate the experience.

I don't know whether or not I'll be able to write a "build article". My dream was to record the process of building the second plane, but as of now I literally can't build anything new before getting rid of at least few of old planes. I don't have enough space for them, so even the workbench is re-purposed for storage space. And the "back to school / preschool / kindergarten (yes, I have three kids) time" does not help much either.

As I said, I'm working on the plans and as a minimum I'll add them here and in the forum thread. But please, be patient; it will take some time.

Good luck, and have fun!
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munn/cjm on September 14, 2016
will you be posting your plans for this plane i dont have the skill to build a plane like this from scratch
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Bayboos on September 14, 2016
Yes, I'm going to prepare and publish the plans for this plane; even though I don't think reverse-engineering the design is the most difficult part of this project. But, as already stated somewhere above: "...please, be patient; it will take some time."

Good luck, and have fun!

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wanabeRCexpert on November 30, 2016
can you publish plans please? that plane looks awesome
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Bayboos on December 1, 2016
As you can guess by my previous reply, I'm working on the set of plans. It just takes literally forever since 1) I never did that before and 2) I have tons of other things to do (not RC related unfortunately). But they are coming. Stay tuned.
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wanabeRCexpert on December 1, 2016
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steadfast4life on September 4, 2016
Very Nice! that flies really good!
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Bayboos on September 4, 2016
Yes, it does; thank you very much.
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jolppy13@gmail.com on September 9, 2016
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Bayboos on September 9, 2016
Thank You.
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minimo on September 5, 2016
Can you please post some plans?
I want to get into 3D and this plane seems very good 3D trainer.
Thanks in advance!
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Bayboos on September 5, 2016
I can't post the plans simply because I don't have them. Like at all. I used the original FT 3D plans and modified them slightly to fit the purpose; but the changes were so minor I never had to put anything on the paper during the process. Here's a good comparison photo between the two:


On the other side, I would not advise to choose this particular plane as a 3D trainer. Sure it does fly very nice, but it's rather challenging build due to a lot of carbon bracing. It's more like a challenge for experienced builder rather than a plane of choice for beginner 3D pilot. I'd strongly suggest to choose one of the EPP/EPO profile planes already on the market; those are much easier to build, can survive much more abuse and are easy to repair.

If you still want to build this particular plane, you may want to read the original forum thread where I described the design and build process, with tons of pictures that say more than thousands of words. The thread can be found under the link below:


Good luck, and have fun!
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Evening relax with FT 3D Pro(file)