EAA Young Eagles - Free Full Scale Flying

by KlingerFPV | November 30, 2015 | (7) Posted in Just Fun

Most of the people in this hobby are interested in full scale aviation, but the cost of full scale flying is a deterrent to many people. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has a program called the Young Eagles in which they provide kids with free flights in smaller, general aviation aircraft. 

When I say they provide kids with free airplane rides, I mean kids under 18, not kids at heart like Josh Bixler. After a few flights they send a free student EAA membership, they provide a free online ground school, and they will even pay for you to take the FAA written exam.

Kids can go flying up to five times (one flight a month) with the Young Eagles Program. I've gone twice so far and I've greatly enjoyed every flight. Here's all the footage from my most recent flight.

First we started off with a walk around the airplane and a brief preflight check.

I was talking with the pilot about my experience with RC (4 years of it now) and about the Flite Test community. He took off, climbed up to about 1,000 feet, gave me the controls, and told me to go wherever I wanted. I flew almost the whole time, and it was TONS of fun! Basically all my pilot, Gary McBride, did was take off and land!

It was tons of fun, and I definitely recommend you try flying full scale at least once. I'm sure you'll love it!

To find an EAA Chapter near you and to schedule a flight, go here! ------> http://bit.ly/1OA9nix

To buy the cable I used to record the headset audio, go here! ------------> http://bit.ly/1TgDcWC

Thanks for taking the time to read this article, I hope it helped you out. If you enjoyed reading, please support me by subscribing to my YouTube channel! :)  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjAN81AlcZ9PKgHn8D79v4w/featured


spastickitten on December 6, 2015
I went through this program, I should get back into it....
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rossmort on December 5, 2015
Great memories of this program (20+ yrs ago). One of my elementary teacher's husband built 2 planes in his basement and took up anyone in the school up who wanted to go.
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Misterman124 on December 10, 2015
Why do all the good things have to be so far away??
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Ben Presten on December 11, 2015
Hundreds of airports all around the country participate in this program. If you go to your nearest small airport and ask about the program, either they will have it or they will probably know of another near by airport that does.
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Stingray Aviation on December 22, 2015
There aren't any specific airports that have or don't have Young Eagles, it just comes down to finding a pilot willing to do it. All it is is some paperwork that you and the pilot fill out and mail to the EAA after the flight, so any pilot can participate.
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Joseph S. on October 10, 2016
I'm learning how to fly with the young Eagles program. I'm only 12 and I've already got 2 hours of flight time in my log book. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE EAA AND ALL OF ITS VOLUNTEER PILOT INSTRUCTORS.!!! YOU HAVED FILLED MY LIFE WITH AVIATION!!! THANK YOU!
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EAA Young Eagles - Free Full Scale Flying