DIY Giant Cargo Plane

by FliteTest | June 22, 2015 | (35) Posted in Projects

Pastception (around Joenall of 2014) This is the first event the Capybara has been to!

Unloading the giant Guinea Pig!

Here you can see its size relative to Peter!

The receiver and power box are located above the wing here. 

There are three wires to the tail, two of them are for the dual elevator servos and a single one for the rudder.

Cheap aluminum square stock was purchased at Lowes.

Still a bit messy, however the wiring will eventually be cleaned up soon!

Simple plug in setup, just three ESC wires and the servo leads for the aileron.

Reinforcing the motor mount with some aluminum right angle stock from Lowes.

Placing the pin in for the strut. 

Open the gate! 

These are combined in series first then parallel to make a 10,000mah 10S lipo!

All assembled and ready for crash... uh I mean maiden!

A cockpit was added for a more scale-istic appearance!

V1.... Rotate!

Luckily the Capybara only just needed a few clicks of up trim.

Aileron deflection was fairly apparent. This was a bit of an oversight and eventually got fixed.

Landing in one piece!

During a low pass there was a suspicious sounding 'pop'. Turns out the aileron wasn't completely glued all the way in!

If you were impressed with this project keep your eyes open for future episodes. Needless to say, Peter has a few plans for some awesome challenges involving this gentle giant. 


Zero9r on June 22, 2015
that looked amazing Peter! great job, I was impressed
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Digital Wolf on June 22, 2015
That thing is awesome! And it flys so great! Can't wait for you next build / video!!!
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PropSpinner on June 22, 2015
Looking forward to seeing more on this one.
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edinpa on June 23, 2015
Outstanding Job Peter! After seeing your tease video with you lying under it I built a 1-1/2 scaled up Guinea Pig. when I get it uploaded to You Tube I will send the link! All you Guys do such a great job with your designs and keeping the hobby so much Fun!!!
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Gryf on June 23, 2015
>>> Great job so far. With that size I expected retracts, but I guess one step at a time right? <<<

Probably so... he'll need to replace the existing gear because Josh's car is up on blocks... ;-)

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bruin12 on June 22, 2015
Also, I hope you included hard points for the JATO pods!
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Kurt0326 on June 23, 2015
Great job so far. With that size I expected retracts, but I guess one step at a time right?
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alljazz76 on June 23, 2015
Wow!!! Congrats Peter!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
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Gryf on June 23, 2015
Major bravos! That's amazing, Peter - I'd seen the teaser shots in a few videos, and was really looking forward to finally seeing it in action. Now just make it last until Flite Fest! ;-)
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Michael9865 on June 22, 2015
That is so cool. Thinking outside the box helps people to push their limits and knowledge further.
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bruin12 on June 22, 2015
Amazing build and flight. How did you determine/measure the CG? It looked a tail heavy in the video.
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Trask Bailey on June 22, 2015
This should be a swappable in the store. :)
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alfredo arbe on July 17, 2015
agreed, sadly shipping cost makes all kits impossible to get from here in south america, but FT has a big amount of followers, some of them cant get a word in english but also love FT ;)
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galaxy engineer on June 24, 2015
Wellllll it is about time we get to see this a bit more close up. I for one would love to see you FPV this with a pilot and copilot camera with pan on each. Each could look across the flight station at each other........Yeeeeeee Hawwwwww.........
BTW as my as my screen name would imply, I love big airplanes.......LOL
GREAT JOB on this one Peter!
More! More! More!
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Battershell on June 22, 2015
Sweet!!! You are amazing Peter.
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SouthFloridaRC on June 22, 2015
Very Impressive Giant Scale Peter, If you ever need any full scale aircraft building materials like 6061-T6 Aluminum or 4130N Steel at reasonable prices I would look at, I'm building a full scale single seat kit plane right now and get supplies from them often.

Great to see your designs ;^)

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awesomedirt5 on June 25, 2015
Giant pun jet?
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Jefftherckid on June 25, 2015
Adding to my previous comment, just make the whole thing built up balsa with that newfangled devfuse thing.

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johndeere23 on June 29, 2015
you should drop a RC 1/10 truck out the hatch and have Josh Scott needing a breath mint and get it to him with the dropped RC truck.
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Wright_of_Way on June 22, 2015
What percent is this of the original Guinea? 1000%?
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Spacemonkeykj on August 12, 2015
The original Guinea Pig has a wingspan of 58", and the Capybara's wingspan is 168", so the Capybara is a tad less than a 300% Guinea Pig.
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Jefftherckid on June 25, 2015
I want to see Peter put VTOL on this and the mini.
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scott553 on June 22, 2015
How much are the motors that were used?
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Spacemonkeykj on August 12, 2015
Awesome job Peter! Looking forward to seeing more of the Capybara in future episodes, and please FT make the VTOL Guinea Pig a speed build kit!
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John Frenzel on December 21, 2016
I don't suppose there will ever be a set of plans available for this plane?
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fredarvelo on October 26, 2016
pete i wonder if, during take off and landings flaps or elevons would ease presure on engines and battery may last longer, trying auto returnhome and autonomousflight and delivery system, see i live in the venazuelan border with colombia in a city call Puerto Ayacucho, and weather here is extremely hot and humid AV 42 C. 80%hum almost all year round.
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letsgofast11 on June 8, 2016
did you use this ( ) radio?
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DUBSFAMILLE on January 27, 2020
Hello from France !!! Can you tell me the weight and the size of the wheels, the motor and propeller please ? Thank You!

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DIY Giant Cargo Plane